News Coverage

Date Title
September 2017
Springfield Republican: Sen. Elizabeth Warren condemns President Trump in Labor Day report
August 2017
Old Colony Memorial: Sen. Warren says time to play offense in fight to beat addiction
The Dartmouth Chronicle: Sen. Elizabeth Warren celebrates healthcare win at UMass Dartmouth town hall
Concord Journal: Sen. Elizabeth Warren speaks to more than 1,500 in Concord
Taunton Daily Gazette: Warren touts General Dynamics Taunton facility as jobs engine
Pembroke Mariner & Express: Sen. Warren hosts town hall meeting in Marshfield
Brockton Enterprise: Warren talks vets, addiction, illegal immigration at Brockton VA
Springfield Republican: Massachusetts addiction treatment centers continue to face long wait times, other challenges, US Sen. Elizabeth Warren finds
The Herald News: At UMD, Sen. Warren says Democrats must ‘stay focused’ on health care, student loan crisis
Revere Journal: Warren Draws Large Crowd for Town Hall Forum at RHS
Boston Globe: Warren scores a win on bill to make hearing aids cheaper, easier to buy
July 2017
Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren says Senate should improve existing health care system
Springfield Republican: Elizabeth Warren gives President Donald Trump 'F' grade on pledge to 'drain the swamp'
Martha's Vineyard Times: Sen. Warren urges town hall crowd to ‘join the fight’
Vineyard Gazette: Senator Warren Sounds Battle Cry for Democracy
WNYT: Sen. Elizabeth Warren holds town hall in Pittsfield
June 2017
Springfield Republican: US Sen. Elizabeth Warren offers bill to require gambling disorder screenings for service members
Springfield Republican Editorial: Treatment bill for terror victims should pass
Wicked Local Medford: Over-the-counter hearing aids could be coming
May 2017
Western Mass News: Sen. Warren holds town hall in Ware following UMass commencement
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