News Coverage

October 06, 2021

New York Times: Lawmakers seek details on accounting firms after a New York Times report

by Jesse Drucker

Two Democratic lawmakers are seeking information from the country’s biggest accounting firms about the revolving door between the firm’s tax departments and top positions at the Treasury Department. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Representative Pramila Jayapal of Washington made the request after The New York Times detailed how multinational accounting firms effectively draft tax rules from inside the government that benefit their clients. The Times found at least 35 … Continue Reading

October 06, 2021

Bloomberg: Warren Says Facebook Funds ‘Dark Money,’ Undermines Democracy

by Chris Anstey and David Westin

Senator Elizabeth Warren accused Facebook Inc., along with other social media giants, of using their wealth to exert influence on Washington in a way that undermines the democratic system.“The loudest voice in this hall is Facebook and the other giant corporations, they hire the lobbyists, they make the big campaign contributions. And even more importantly, they fund dark money -- the part that, you never even see their fingerprints on it,” Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, said in an … Continue Reading

October 04, 2021

Truthout: Warren Introduces Bill to Protect Bank Customers, Small Banks From Consolidation

by Sharon Zhang

On Thursday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) introduced a bill that would reform the way the government authorizes bank mergers. The proposal is an effort to stop the endless “rubber stamping” of bank consolidation, which Warren argues comes at the expense of customers and small banks.The Bank Merger Review Modernization Act, introduced with Rep. Jesús “Chuy” García (D-Illinois), would strengthen rules for the authorization process for bank mergers, in hopes of ensuring that future … Continue Reading

October 04, 2021

New York Times: Elizabeth Warren Calls for an insider trading inquiry at the fed

by Jeanna Smialek

Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts, called on Monday for an investigation into whether top Federal Reserve officials engaged in insider trading in 2020, when some bought and sold securities that could have benefited from central bank policy moves.Ms. Warren, a powerful lawmaker who sits on the committee that oversees the Fed, sent a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission chair, Gary Gensler, asking him to look into transactions that three central bank officials … Continue Reading

October 01, 2021

Deadline: Sen. Elizabeth Warren Stands With IATSE Members “All The Way In This Fight” For A Fair Contract

by David Robb

?Sen. Elizabeth Warren said in a video released today that she stands “shoulder-to-shoulder” with IATSE members as they vote for a strike authorization, and that she is with them “all the way in this fight.”“I’m glad to stand with @IATSE in their fight for a fair contract,” the Massachusetts Democrat said in an accompanying tweet (see it below). “Giant film and entertainment companies make billions of dollars in profits each year and the least they can do is ensure their workers have livable … Continue Reading

September 30, 2021

Huffington Post: Elizabeth Warren Unveils Bill To Document Indian Boarding School Atrocities

by Jennifer Bendery

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) unveiled legislation on Thursday that would establish a formal commission to document the U.S. government’s ugly, decades-spanning policy of removing Native American children from tribal lands and forcing them into boarding schools to assimilate them into white culture.The bill, the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies in the United States Act, would put a spotlight on what exactly the government did to try to wipe out Indigenous … Continue Reading

September 28, 2021

New York Times: With his reappointment on the line, Elizabeth Warren calls Jerome Powell ‘a dangerous man.’

by Jeanna Smialek

Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts, blasted the Federal Reserve chair, Jerome H. Powell, for his financial regulation track record and said that she would not support him if the White House renominated him, calling him a “dangerous man to head up the Fed.”Mr. Powell’s term as head of the central bank ends in early 2022, and the Biden administration is considering whether to reappoint him. Mr. Powell, a Republican, was nominated to the Fed’s Board of Governors by former … Continue Reading

September 22, 2021

USA Today: Cori Bush, Elizabeth Warren will introduce bill to give HHS power to impose eviction moratoriums

by Savannah Behrmann

Liberal lawmakers will introduce legislation this week that would give the Department of Health and Human Services the authority to create federal eviction moratoriums - pushing back against a ruling by the Supreme Court that the agency does not have the authority to do so. The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., comes weeks after the high court blocked the Biden administration's eviction moratorium, ruling the Centers for Disease Control and … Continue Reading

September 16, 2021

Wall Street Journal: Elizabeth Warren Calls On Fed Banks to Bar Leaders From Stock Trading

by Michael S. Derby

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) is calling on regional Federal Reserve Banks to set rules that would prevent their leaders from trading individual stocks, following recent disclosures that the chiefs of the Boston and Dallas banks actively traded stocks and other investments last year.“The controversy over asset trading by high-level Fed personnel highlights why it is necessary to ban ownership and trading of individual stocks by senior officials who are supposed to serve the public … Continue Reading

September 15, 2021

Business Insider: Elizabeth Warren says states need more power to rein in student-loan companies: 'They should face consequences'

by Ayelet Sheffey

Last month, the Education Department reversed a Trump-era policy that prevented states from regulating student-loan companies. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren lauded the reversal, but she wants states to be able to do even more to protect borrowers from student-loan abuses."The world has changed for student-loan-debt servicers," Warren told Insider. "They can't sign a contract, do a lousy job, cost borrowers tons of money, and still get their contracts renewed."Last week, Warren and Ohio … Continue Reading

September 15, 2021 Warren introduces bill to honor 13 service members killed in Kabul with Congressional Gold Medals

by Mia Mccarthy

Senator Elizabeth Warren is introducing a bill to honor the 13 service members killed in a Kabul suicide bombing with Congressional Gold Medals.“These individuals demonstrated incredible courage throughout their careers, and we owe it to them to pass legislation to recognize their heroic service with the Congressional Gold Medal,” Warren said in a statement.The 13 service members were killed at Kabul airport during a suicide bombing on Aug. 26 amid the withdrawal of US troops from … Continue Reading

September 14, 2021

New York Times: Elizabeth Warren Asks the Fed to Break Up Wells Fargo

by Emily Flitter

Senator Elizabeth Warren says Wells Fargo has run out of time to fix the many internal problems that have harmed its customers.In a letter to the Federal Reserve chair, Jerome H. Powell, on Monday, Ms. Warren asked the Fed to force the financial giant to break off its core banking activities, like offering checking and savings accounts and loans, from its other financial services.Divorcing Wall Street-centric work — which can include managing investment funds and providing financial market … Continue Reading

September 09, 2021

MassLive: Proposed ballot question could put not only Uber and Lyft drivers but also hotel and retail workers’ jobs at risk, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren says

by Chris Lisinski

Joining a heated political fight that could decide pay and benefits for more than 200,000 gig economy workers, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday warned that a proposed ballot question would harm scores of workers beyond the app-based drivers at its center.Warren gathered with organized labor leaders and the Coalition to Protect Workers’ Rights at a rally in Brighton, where she called on the initiative petition’s corporate backers to cease their campaign and slammed their effort as … Continue Reading

September 09, 2021

WPRI: Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s red line on budget talks: ‘We must have a child care bill’

by Ted Nesi

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Wednesday she remains confident Democrats in Congress will soon reach agreement on a far-reaching budget bill despite significant disagreements, while making clear she has no higher priority than additional funding for child care.In a wide-ranging interview with 12 News at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth ahead of a town hall Wednesday night, the second-term Massachusetts Democrat said there are a host of issues she wants to see tackled in the final … Continue Reading

September 08, 2021

New York Times: Elizabeth Warren asks Amazon to ‘stop peddling misinformation about Covid vaccines and treatments.’

by Isabella Grullón Paz

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Wednesday she remains confident Democrats in Congress will soon reach agreement on a far-reaching budget bill despite significant disagreements, while making clear she has no higher priority than additional funding for child care. In a wide-ranging interview with 12 News at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth ahead of a town hall Wednesday night, the second-term Massachusetts Democrat said there are a host of issues she wants to see tackled in … Continue Reading

September 02, 2021

Boston Globe: Mass. political leaders slam Supreme Court for allowing Texas abortion law to remain in force

by Travis Andersen

Politicians in Massachusetts on Thursday blasted the US Supreme Court for allowing a highly restrictive abortion law in Texas to stand, dashing the hopes of abortion providers and others who’d filed an emergency appeal with the high court asking the panel to block the measure.“The data is clear: the majority of Americans support #RoeVWade,” US Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Cambridge Democrat and former presidential candidate, tweeted on Thursday morning, following the high court’s 5-4 decision … Continue Reading

August 10, 2021

Boston Globe: ‘Our work isn’t done’ - Warren, Markey say $1 trillion infrastructure package just the opening act

by Travis Andersen

The trillion-dollar infrastructure bill that the US Senate passed Tuesday will direct $8 billion to Massachusetts for various projects if the measure ultimately becomes law, Senator Ed Markey’s office said Tuesday.Markey’s office provided that eye-popping tally, as well as a breakdown of the disbursals, in a statement shortly after he and his colleagues passed the bill by a 69-30 tally, sending the measure to the House of Representatives. The House must also pass the bill before it’s sent to … Continue Reading

August 09, 2021

New York Times: Elizabeth Warren plans to propose a minimum tax on the profits of the nation’s richest companies.

by Emily Cochrane

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and her allies will propose a minimum tax on the profits of the nation’s richest companies, regardless of what they say they owe the government, as part of Democrats’ $3.5 trillion economic and social-policy package.Ms. Warren’s so-called "real corporate profits tax” was a key part of her presidential campaign, and she has enlisted Senator Angus King, the Maine independent, to help press her case that profitable companies should be taxed, regardless of … Continue Reading

August 02, 2021

Teen Vogue: Elizabeth Warren Talks Voting Rights, Abortion Access, and Ending the Filibuster

by Lauren Young

Elizabeth Warren is worried. About access to the ballot box, about access to abortion, about “the fundamental freedoms in this country.” Since ending her presidential campaign over a year ago, Warren has maintained her place as a leading progressive voice in the Senate, speaking out against the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, and cosponsoring legislative reforms like the For the People Act, The John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and the Women's Health Protection Act, federal … Continue Reading

July 28, 2021

CNBC: Elizabeth Warren makes fresh push for wealth tax – ‘Yes, Jeff Bezos, I’m looking at you’

by Thomas Franck

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday reignited her push for a tax on the wealth of the richest Americans and called out billionaire Amazon founder and space-tourism magnate Jeff Bezos for what she views as his failure to pay his fair share. “I want to see us tax wealth, however your wealth is tied up. It shouldn’t make a difference whether you have real estate, or whether you have cash or whether you have a bazillion shares of Amazon. Yes, Jeff Bezos, I’m looking at you,” the Massachusetts … Continue Reading

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