News Coverage

April 24, 2015

NECN: 100 Years Later: Recognizing Armenian Genocide

Thousands of Armenians, their friends and family marched from the Massachusetts state house to the Rose Kennedy Greenway to call attention to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. Organizers say the event was designed to honor the memories of the 1.5 million Armenians who were killed and the countless others who were driven out of their ancestral homeland by the Ottoman Turks in 1915. ... "The Armenian people just want the truth acknowledged," said Sen. Elizabeth Warren. "And if … Continue Reading

April 20, 2015

Daily Hampshire Gazette Editorial: US should allow refinancing of college loans

Millions of Americans who borrow money to pay for college are locked into relatively high interest rates that compound the growing problem of student debt. Legislation that Sen. Elizabeth Warren keeps introducing - and Republicans keep turning back - would provide relief. It isn't a bailout or giveaway. Warren's bill would let borrowers of older college loans refinance to obtain a lower interest rate, just as homeowners do with mortgages. With interest rates still at historic lows, this would … Continue Reading

April 15, 2015

Boston Globe: Warren Pitches Ideas for Stronger Wall Street Curbs

APR 15, 2015 Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren wants to limit to just one the number of deals financial institutions accused of wrongdoing can cut with the government, a change that she believes would force corporations to follow the rules or face criminal charges. It's among several new ideas that Warren unveiled in a speech at the National Press Club on Wednesday. The senator offered new initiatives that would require banks to par far higher "mandatory minimum" fines when they avoid … Continue Reading

April 02, 2015

CBS Boston: Elizabeth Warren Hosts Student Debt Forum at UMass Boston

APR 2, 2015 BOSTON (CBS) - Senator Elizabeth Warren says she first raised a bill to reduce the interest rate on student loans about a year ago. Since then, she says students have gone into debt to the tune of $100 billion, paying rates like 6 or 10 percent and sometimes more. ... Representative Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) and Warren will be having several events as part of their "Middle Class Prosperity Project" featuring prominent economists, according to a Huffington Post report. The … Continue Reading

March 30, 2015

Framingham Patch: Sen. Warren Introduces Bipartisan Bill Honoring POW/MIA Service Members

MAR 30, 2015 United States Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Senator Marco Rubio (R - Fla.) introduced legislation in the Senate and House to honor American service members who are Prisoners of War (POW) or Missing in Action (MIA). The National POW/MIA Remembrance Act will honor these approximately 91,662 service members by establishing a permanent commemorative chair on the grounds of the United States Capitol. Read the full article … Continue Reading

March 27, 2015

Gloucester Times: Senate Budget Amendment Would Fund At-Sea Monitoring

MAR 27, 2015 WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Senate late Thursday night passed a budget amendment calling for the federal government to fully cover the cost of dockside and at-sea monitoring of fishing vessels in fisheries where a federal disaster has been declared. The amendment, proposed by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and supported by Sen. Edward J. Markey, potentially could lift a huge, looming burden off the backs of fishermen in the Northeast Multispecies Groundfish fishery if it … Continue Reading

March 24, 2015

Framingham Patch: Hundreds of Small Businesses Attend Sen. Warren's 2nd Annual Massachusetts Business Matchmaker

MAR 24, 2015 United States Senator Elizabeth Warren hosted her 2nd Annual Massachusetts Business Matchmaker event on Monday, March 23, welcoming more than 350 participants representing federal agencies, prime contractors, and small businesses from throughout the Commonwealth. This year's event was held in Framingham at the Sheraton, and was a program of the U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA) American Supplier Initiative in partnership with the U.S. General Services Administration … Continue Reading

March 20, 2015

MetroWest Daily News: Warren Hosting Business Matchmaker Event Monday in Framingham

MAR 20, 2015 FRAMINGHAM - Democratic U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren will host her second annual Massachusetts Business Matchmaker event Monday in Framingham. The event will help Bay State small businesses identify partnership opportunities with government agencies and government prime contractors, according to a press release. "We have a lot of terrific small businesses here in Massachusetts, and I want to be sure that each one of them knows about opportunities to promote and grow their business," … Continue Reading

March 19, 2015

Springfield Republican: 22 US Senators Explain Support for Elizabeth Warren's Student Loan Debt Refinancing Bill

MAR 19, 2015 WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren reintroduced a bill on Wednesday that would provide a bit of relief for people struggling to repay college loans. The Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act would allow people holding student loans financed at rates higher than today's interest rate to refinance those loans, similar to the way one refinances a home mortgage or car loan. In June 2014, the measure died after a 56-38 vote fell short of the 60 needed to advance to … Continue Reading

March 18, 2015

Boston Globe: Warren Sees Popular Momentum for Student Loan Bill

MAR 18, 2015 US Senator Elizabeth Warren said greater awareness of ballooning education debt in the U.S. will provide fresh momentum for legislation she introduced Wednesday afternoon that allows students to refinance loans at lower rates. "A problem that was bad a year ago has gotten worse," Warren said in an interview. "The federal loans produce obscene profits for the federal government and the biggest banks on the private side." Read the full article … Continue Reading

March 18, 2015

Springfield Republican: Sen. Elizabeth Warren: GOP Will Sink an Entire Generation Without Action on 'Crushing' Student Loan Debt

MAR 18, 2015 WASHINGTON - The problem of overwhelming student loan debt was bad in 2014 and with no action from Congress over the past year, it has only worsened. This is the principle which led U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., to reintroduce a bill which would allow people holding student loans financed at rates higher than today's interest rate to refinance those loans, similar to the way one refinances a home mortgage or car loan. "A problem that was bad a year ago got worse. Since last … Continue Reading

March 06, 2015

Boston Globe Editorial: Elizabeth Warren Plan Would Bolster NIH Funding

MAR 6, 2015 The spectacular growth of the Boston area's life sciences sector has had a vital source: the National Institutes of Health, a lifeline of basic research funding...The funding spigot, however, is being tightened. In the past decade, NIH grants have lost ground against the cost of doing research. ... Warren's plan, endorsed by nearly 30 national and local medical associations, is to bolster NIH funding by siphoning a small percentage of profits from big drug companies whose … Continue Reading

February 24, 2015

Springfield Republican: Mass. Senators Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey call for release of additional $34 million in low-income heating assistance funds

FEB 24, 2015 WASHINGTON, D.C. -In the face of what seems to be a brutally cold, never-ending New England winter, the two U.S. senators representing Massachusetts in Washington are calling on President Barack Obama's administration to release an additional $34 million in heating assistance money. In a letter sent this week to Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, both Democrats, said thousands of Massachusetts families have … Continue Reading

February 22, 2015

New Bedford Standard-Times: Transportation funding woes, ideas abound in Massachusetts

FEB 22, 2015 NEW BEDFORD - Transportation funding woes across the country also are creating roadblocks in Massachusetts, lawmakers and industry leaders said last week. ... U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who visited SouthCoast communities Friday, said the stakes couldn't be higher for long-term transportation funding. "This is an issue for how we build a future in this country," Warren said during her visit. "I think that senators and representatives ... are starting to understand that this is … Continue Reading

February 21, 2015

Herald News: Sen. Elizabeth Warren sees a 'bright future' for Fall River

FEB 21, 2015 FALL RIVER - Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Friday morning called Fall River a city of beauty and opportunity where she sees "a bright future" that will require "lots of hard work" to reach it. After meeting privately for an hour at Government Center with newly elected Mayor Sam Sutter, three local legislators and City Council Vice President Ray Mitchell, Warren touched upon their topics as she and Sutter briefly answered questions that included South Coast Rail and transportation, … Continue Reading

February 20, 2015

New Bedford Standard-Times: Sen. Elizabeth Warren visits UMass Dartmouth, talks about re-prioritizing higher education

FEB 20, 2015 DARTMOUTH - Elizabeth Warren looks at public university students and sees her own blue-collar upbringing and rise to the halls of Harvard University and the U.S. Senate. Warren on Friday connected with students struggling to pay for UMass Dartmouth and called for reform to make public higher education affordable. "I believe in public education and I believe in public universities," she said at a packed forum at the Claire T. Carney Library. "I am the daughter of a janitor who … Continue Reading

February 20, 2015

New Bedford Standard-Times: Warren praises Buzzards Bay group during visit to New Bedford

FEB 20, 2015 NEW BEDFORD - U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren praised Buzzards Bay Coalition staff Friday, lauding the group's multi-year effort culminating in the U.S. Coast Guard's Feb. 6 withdrawal of litigation related to a state oil prevention law adopted after the 2003 oil spill in Buzzards Bay. "Thank you for all of the work that all of you did," Warren told staff gathered in the nonprofit organization's office near New Bedford's waterfront. "I hope you keep up this good work ... and that this … Continue Reading

February 19, 2015

Springfield Republican: Elizabeth Warren in Northampton: Life-saving Homeland Security grants held hostage by Republicans

NORTHAMPTON - Republicans in Congress are holding the Department of Homeland Security hostage in an attempt to block President Obama's executive orders on immigration, Sen. Elizabeth Warren said during a meeting with local officials at Northampton Fire Department headquarters on Thursday. The Massachusetts Democrat said she wanted to discuss the impact upon local emergency services if Homeland Security funding runs out in 10 days. Funding for the department provided by a 2014 omnibus spending … Continue Reading

February 19, 2015

Greenfield Recorder: Sen. Warren speaks at GCC

GREENFIELD - Surrounded by Greenfield Community College students, faculty and local officials, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren asked for their support to help make college more affordable, to support early childhood education and to make education a priority and an opportunity for everyone. The Democratic senior senator from Massachusetts spoke during a tour of the campus on her last stop during a Thursday swing through the Pioneer Valley and discussed college affordability with students, faculty … Continue Reading

February 04, 2015

MetroWest Daily News: Warren Highlights Natick Soldier Worker in Speech

FEB 4, 2015 Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren this week highlighted the story of a former Natick Soldier Systems Center worker while making the case to her colleagues to support a bill that seeks to reduce veteran suicides. Warren, D-Mass., on Monday described how Justin Fitch, who has terminal colon cancer and recently retired from the Army as a major, talked about the 22 veterans a day who commit suicide. "Too many veterans are suffering in silence," Fitch told her. "Twenty-two a … Continue Reading

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