News Coverage
Brockton Enterprise: Senator Warren attends opening for new Brockton health center
Brockton - The partnership between a new satellite health clinic and an adjoining neighborhood supermarket was lauded Wednesday as the bridge to good health in downtown Brockton's former "food desert."The grand opening of the Brockton Neighborhood Health Center's 13,000-square-foot outpatient clinic - expected to serve about 6,700 patients annually - drew dignitaries including U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren."It's good to be here to celebrate," Warren said to huge applause in blistering heat."This … Continue Reading
September 02, 2015
The Boston Globe: AG, Elizabeth Warren help students mired in for-profit debt
Boston-Peguy Pierre stood inside the Boston University business school Tuesday evening with her 7-month-old daughter on her hip and her 10-year-old son by her side as she worked with a counselor trying to find a way to eliminate her student debt. The 33-year-old Haitian immigrant, who now lives in Dorchester, registered for the Everest Institute in Brighton when her son Schlegel was born, hoping to find a career as a medical assistant. "They promised they were going to help me find a job," she … Continue Reading
September 01, 2015
Politico: Warren, Healey push for federal student-loan cancelation
Boston-Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey and Sen. Elizabeth Warren joined forces to push the US Department of Education to cancel student loans issued by a now-defunct for-profit college in Brighton. "It does start here in Massachusetts," Healey told reporters. "We hope what's happening here today sends a signal to the U.S. Department of Education and gets them to do what they need to do and what they can do, more importantly, right now, to make this a more fair situation for … Continue Reading
August 20, 2015
Fall River Herald News: Sen. Warren tells CFC staff to brace for a fight over budget cuts
Fall River, MA - Sen. Elizabeth Warren told the staff at Citizens for Citizens Inc. she was meeting with them today so she can bring back their stories to her Republican colleagues in Washington, D.C., who want to slash funding in fiscal 2016 for the social programs that Massachusetts families depend on. Warren visited CFC to participate in a roundtable discussion that included the agency's department heads, clients, Mayor Sam Sutter and state Rep. Carole Fiola. "You're doing the hard, … Continue Reading
August 20, 2015
New Bedford Standard- Times: U.S. Sen. Warren encourages business innovators during New Bedford visit
New Bedford,MA - U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren told a small gathering of local business leaders Wednesday that "New Bedford is clearly building a future around entrepreneurship," encouraging innovation and sharing ideas in a space designed for that exact purpose. More than 20 people sweated in summer heat while fans whirred in the under-construction Groundwork space at the Quest Center, where Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, spoke briefly and took a quick tour on a swing through … Continue Reading
August 20, 2015
New Bedford Standard- Times Editorial: Small business finds friends in New Bedford
Some may be coming grudgingly to the realization that no casino will influence New Bedford's economic development, but the city's embrace of the entrepreneurial model of incremental, organic growth can be a most effective balm for the sting of that loss. Small business runs the economic development race slow and steady, fueled by creativity and ambition. In New Bedford, opportunities for small business continue to emerge in services, technology, manufacturing and creative arts, supported by … Continue Reading
July 31, 2015
Watertown Tab and Press: Watertown Police awarded Congressional Badge of Bravery
Watertown, MA - Several of Watertown's finest were honored with the Congressional Badge of Bravery Friday afternoon, just over two years after they engaged in a dramatic shootout that ended the Boston Marathon Bombers week of terror. Watertown Police Sergeants John MacLellan, Jeffrey Pugliese, and officer Joseph Reynolds, received the awards during a ceremony at the Watertown station Friday. U.S. Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Representatives Joe Kennedy and Katherine Clark, and … Continue Reading
July 28, 2015
Newton TAB: Grant to fund heavy-duty rescue truck for Newton Fire Department
The fire department plans to use a more than $400,000 federal grant to support the purchase of a heavy-duty rescue truck for special response situations.The truck will contain specialized equipment for rescue responses to incidents such as elevator malfunctions, construction accidents or highway crashes.Citing issues ranging from severe weather to terrorism, Fire Chief Bruce Proia said there was a clear need for such a vehicle to improve the department's capacity for technical rescues."It's a … Continue Reading
July 20, 2015
Springfield Republican: Sen. Elizabeth Warren holds roundtable on bill that would add scheduling protections, 'on call' pay
Boston, MA - Supporters of a U.S. Senate bill aimed at providing and protecting flexible schedules for low-income workers say the legislation is also good for businesses. Robert Everts, co-president of Equal Exchange coffee co-op, said allowing flexible schedules builds worker loyalty. "We acknowledge the basic reality that workers have lives outside of work," he said while standing outside an Equal Exchange café, located across the street from TD Garden. ... For her part, Warren said … Continue Reading
July 20, 2015
Boston Globe: Bills seek more stable hours for low-paid workers
Boston, MA - Compared to many fast-food workers, Erica Bentencourt has a fairly set schedule. She is supposed to work in the kitchen at the Holbrook Burger King Tuesday through Saturday, opening at 5 a.m. and leaving at 2 p.m. But when coworkers call in sick, she is often asked to stay late or come in on her day off. When business is slow, she is sent home early. Working extra hours means she has to scramble to find child care for her 9-year-old son. But working fewer hours is worse. "When … Continue Reading
June 29, 2015
Springfield Republican: US Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Richard Neal Tour FloDesign Sonics in Wilbraham, Learn about Filterless Purification
WILBRAHAM - U.S. Sen . Elizabeth Warren watched Monday as employees and student interns at FloDesign Sonics used inaudible sound waves to separate contaminates from water: a "filterless" filter that doesn't damage blood cells. "The applications are going to be everywhere," Warren said, during a tour of FloDesign's headquarters in Wilbraham, lead by chairman Stanley Kowalski III and by founder and senior fellow of fluid dynamics Walter Presz. "I am ready for this," Warren said. Read the full … Continue Reading
June 29, 2015
Springfield Republican: Senator Elizabeth Warren Tells Worcester Entrepreneurs they Represent the Future of America
WORCESTER - Senator Elizabeth Warren told an audience of Worcester entrepreneurs on Monday that they are the future of the United States and more must be done to promote small business start-ups when policies are being pass down from Washington, D.C. Warren stopped in Worcester as part of a stop in two communities to discuss the local economy. In Worcester, Warren visited the robotics technology incubator Technocopia and its Prescott Street neighbor, the co-working space Running … Continue Reading
June 29, 2015
Worcester Telegram & Gazette: Sen. Warren Tours Startup Company Incubators in Worcester
WORCESTER - Sen. Elizabeth Warren was less a visiting dignitary at Technocopia's maker space floor Monday afternoon than a kid on a field trip. "Amazing," she said, taking a look at a 3D printer. A robotic hand she slipped on was "really cool." "This is the heart of our economy," Ms. Warren said after her tour, which also included a stop next door at Running Start's incubator space inside the same building on Prescott Street. "It's this kind of creativity, and it's happening right here in … Continue Reading
June 18, 2015
Springfield Republican: 4-year battle over: Westover vets exposed to Agent Orange eligible for benefits
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has pledged to immediately begin providing benefits to Westover veterans and others who were exposed to Agent Orange while flying on and fixing planes previously used in the Vietnam War. ... Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who joined with a half-dozen fellow senators to urge the department to expedite their decision to provide benefits to the C-123 veterans, released a statement thanking the department for the decision. "It has long been clear that thousands of … Continue Reading
June 04, 2015
New Bedford Standard-Times Editorial: Warren continues the fight for economic justice
Sen. Elizabeth Warren rightly deserves a reputation for looking out for the middle class. ... Her familiarity with the root of our economic problems made her into a strong advocate for consumer protections, which helped earn our endorsement in her run for the U.S. Senate nearly three years ago. A recent press release from her office calling the chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission to account for her broken promises reminds us what a friend the consumer has in Sen. … Continue Reading
May 15, 2015
Bloomberg: Warren Claim Trade Bill Could Undermine Dodd-Frank Is Right
In her quarrel with President Barack Obama over trade legislation, Elizabeth Warren has got the law on her side. The Massachusetts senator has warned fellow Democrats that a fast-track trade bill now in Congress could undo U.S. laws such as the Dodd-Frank banking regulations later. A number of constitutional scholars and other legal experts say she's right. The reason: An arcane trade-bill provision that would make it easier for a future president and Congress to undercut existing statutes, … Continue Reading
May 12, 2015
NPR: Sen. Warren on the 'tilted process' of Asia trade bill
In an interview on NPR's Morning Edition today, United States Senator Elizabeth Warren explained her concerns about the trade deal debate in Congress. "I have three objections," Senator Warren said in the interview. "The first is that the president is asking us to vote to grease the skids on a trade deal that has largely been negotiated, but that is still held in secret. The second is that we know that corporations under this deal are going to get to sue countries for regulations they don't … Continue Reading
May 11, 2015
Washington Post: Elizabeth Warren fires back at Obama: Here's what they're really fighting about
In an interview with Yahoo News that ran over the weekend, President Obama intensified his push-back against Elizabeth Warren and other critics of the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, flatly declaring that Warren is "absolutely wrong." That came after a speech Obama delivered at Nike headquarters, in which he continued making an expansive case for the deal as a plus for American workers - and not the massive giveaway to huge international corporations that critics fear. This week, … Continue Reading
May 02, 2015
The Lowell Sun: Warren chats up MCC students on costs, impact
LOWELL -- Sen. Elizabeth Warren praised the backgrounds and accomplishments of Middlesex Community College students she met with on Friday, while criticizing government and Republican policies she said were preventing more students from taking advantage of similar opportunities. The Democrat sat down for a roundtable discussion about community college and student debt with a diverse group of MCC students. And while she expounded at several points on problems she sees in the public-education … Continue Reading
April 27, 2015
WWLP NBC 22 Springfield: Vietnam vets affected by deadly herbicide
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) - Many Vietnam veterans still suffer from the effects of a herbicide used during the Vietnam War. The herbicide Agent Orange was a powerful mixture of chemicals used by the U.S. military in Vietnam. It was used to eliminate vegetation that could hide enemy troops, but it was later found that Agent Orange caused many U.S. soldiers to contract cancer, and has been linked to birth defects. The U.S. Military used more than 19-million gallons of the herbicide Agent Orange … Continue Reading