News Coverage

January 31, 2015

Patriot Ledger: Warren - 'Ready to go' on seeking disaster aid for Mashfield, Scituate

JAN 31, 2015 MARSHFIELD - U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and the rest of the Massachusetts congressional delegation are ready to request federal disaster relief for damage caused by Tuesday's blizzard, which wreaked havoc on beachfront homes, pummeled sea walls and filled roads with debris and seawater. Warren visited Marshfield and Scituate on Friday to meet with state Rep. James Cantwell, town officials and residents of seaside homes that were battered by the blizzard. She also surveyed damage … Continue Reading

January 05, 2015

Worcester Telegram & Gazette: Warren Strikes Familiar Tone in Worcester Visit

JAN 5, 2015 WORCESTER - U.S. Sen. Elizabeth A. Warren struck familiar populist tones during a visit to Worcester Monday, pushing her agenda to reduce student loan debt and portraying Congress as responsive to lobbyists with deep pockets instead of regular Americans. "If we don't start running this country again for working families, then this country will fundamentally change," she told editors and reporters from newspapers across the state gathered at the Telegram & Gazette's Front Street … Continue Reading

January 05, 2015

Worcester Magazine: Senator Warren Visits, Praises Worcester Tech

JAN 5, 2015 WORCESTER - U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren visited Worcester Technical High School on Jan. 5 to marvel at local students' projects and talk politics with members of the press. School officials managed to squeeze three student presentations, a visit to a biotech class and a question and answer session into a 30-minute trip that drew a lot of "wows" from the first term senator. "I'm proud of the commonwealth for investing here, and I'm proud of the city of Worcester for investing … Continue Reading

January 05, 2015

Wicked Local: Somerville - Feds Sign over $1 billion for Green Line Extension through Somerville

JAN 5, 2015 SOMERVILLE-At a press conference at Somerville High School Jan. 5, federal, state and city officials signed the funding grant agreement that will bring nearly $1 billion in federal dollars to the GLX project. The $2.3 billion project will receive $996 million from the Federal Transit Administration's Capital Investment Grant Program, referred to as the New Starts program. If the project is able to secure the full remaining $1.3 billion from the state, the Green Line will extend … Continue Reading

January 05, 2015

Salem News: Warren Vows to Keep Fighting for Gateway Cities

JAN 5, 2015 WORCESTER - Sen. Elizabeth Warren is pledging a renewed push in Congress to bring down higher education costs and provide more federal funding for the state's economically challenged "Gateway cities" and its struggling fishing industry. Read the full article … Continue Reading

January 05, 2015

Springfield Republican: Sen. Elizabeth Warren priority: Pushing Republican-controlled Congress to address student loan debt crisis

JAN 5, 2015 WORCESTER - U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said her vision for 2015 in Washington involves maintaining a sharp focus on student loan debt and the drag it is on the economy and the future of the country. ... When asked just how she plans to move such a bill and policy priority forward in a Republican-controlled Congress, Warren said it comes down to explaining how it affects everyone- regardless of if they have outstanding student loans themselves. "The Federal Reserve, the … Continue Reading

December 15, 2014

CBS Boston: Boston Harbor Improvements Planned

DEC 15, 2014 BOSTON (CBS) - A $400 million dollar project to deepen Boston Harbor over the next three years will bring larger cargo and cruise ships to the region and create thousands of new jobs....Massport held a reception on the Boston Fish Pier Monday to officially thank the Washington delegation for their cooperation and hard work.On hand to be honored were Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, Congressmen Michael Capuano and Stephen Lynch who spoke. Massport CEO Tom Glynn introduced … Continue Reading

December 11, 2014

MetroWest Daily News: Mass. Senators: Drop Loans for Corinthian Colleges Students

DEC 11, 2014 FRAMINGHAM - Massachusetts Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Edward Markey are pushing for action by the U.S. Department of Education that would allow students of Corinthian Colleges - which is being sued by the Massachusetts attorney general - to have their outstanding federal loans dismissed...."When students take on loans to pay for college, they are making a serious financial decision that will affect them for years to come," reads the letter signed by Warren and Markey. "Borrowers … Continue Reading

December 10, 2014

Associated Press: Massachusetts gets $15M for pre-school expansion

DEC 10, 2014 BOSTON - Massachusetts is among more than a dozen states receiving federal funds to expand early education programs. Gov. Deval Patrick announced on Wednesday that the $15 million awarded by the U.S. Department of Education will help the cities of Boston, Holyoke, Lawrence, Lowell and Springfield. Read the full article … Continue Reading

December 09, 2014

Politico: Elizabeth Warren: Put a Lock on Wall Street’s Revolving Door

DEC 9, 2014 Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday escalated her fight against President Barack Obama's choice of an investment banker to fill a key job at the Treasury Department, arguing that "enough is enough" when it comes to the revolving door between Washington and Wall Street. The Massachusetts Democrat is using the president's choice of Lazard banker Antonio Weiss to be undersecretary for domestic finance to stir a debate within the Democratic party over whether it is too cozy with Wall … Continue Reading

December 08, 2014

Gloucester Times: Mass. lawmakers press feds for next phase of fishing aid

DEC 8, 2014 The second disbursement of $8.3 million in fishing disaster funds has stalled at NOAA headquarters in Maryland, prompting a letter from some members of the Massachusetts congressional delegation seeking the release of the funds.The letter to Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, dated Dec. 5, asks for Pritzker's help in releasing the funds before the end of the calendar year. NOAA Fisheries falls under the purview of Pritzker and the Commerce Department."The ongoing groundfish … Continue Reading

November 21, 2014

New York Times: New York Fed Is Criticized on Oversight

NOV 21, 2014 The government agency that watches over Wall Street came in for repeated rounds of criticism on Friday at a Senate hearing into its regulatory track record. Many of the senators at the hearing were expected to be critical of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, after recent reports cast doubt on the agency's ability to rein in large banks. William C. Dudley, the president of the New York Fed, defended the agency, but Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts, at one … Continue Reading

September 13, 2014

Boston Herald: Feds award $20M grant to upgrade Ruggles T station

SEP 13, 2014 Local and federal officials gathered in front of the Ruggles MBTA station yesterday to announce a $20 million federal grant that will help fund the construction of a new 800-foot commuter rail platform and a host of other improvements at the 27-year-old Roxbury transit facility. ... "Transportation infrastructure is what gives us the opportunity for people to get to their jobs, for people to get to an education, for people to live in one place and get to another and keep a strong, … Continue Reading

August 23, 2014

Gloucester Daily Times: Warren ties fish aid delays to gridlock

AUG 23, 2014 A total of $6.3 million in fishing aid is set to be disbursed directly to fishermen throughout the Commonwealth, including to 53 fishermen in Gloucester. But U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Friday that the aid has been too long in coming - and there should be more of it. "I understand that it is not as much money as it should've been and it did not come as fast as it should have," she told the 50 or more people gathered in The Gloucester House to hear and meet with her Friday … Continue Reading

August 20, 2014

Rolling Stone: The Student Loan Crusader: How Elizabeth Warren Wants to Reduce Debt

AUG 20, 2014 As a first-term senator from Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren is advancing her fight for middle-class families with a legislative agenda focused on college affordability and student debt. "Rising student-loan debt is an economic emergency," she says. "Forty million people are dealing with $1.2 trillion in outstanding student debt. It's stopping young people from buying homes, from buying cars and from starting small businesses. We need to take action." Warren's bills range from … Continue Reading

August 20, 2014

Cape Cod Today: Senator Elizabeth Warren brings her "Fighting for Massachusetts" tour to the Cape Wednesday

AUG 20, 2014 Senator Elizabeth Warren will be on Cape Cod today, visiting four towns from Harwichport to Woods Hole. The senator's visit is part of her "Fighting for Massachusetts" tour. First up, Warren is scheduled to visit the Cape Abilities Farm at 458 Route 6A in Dennis at 10 a.m. There she will meet with the farm's employees and volunteers. The farm employees disabled individuals in all aspects of farm management. For the next three stops, Senator Warren will be joined by Congressman … Continue Reading

August 20, 2014

The Register: Elizabeth Warren tours Cape Abilities Farm in Dennis

AUG 20, 2014 Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congressman Bill Keating toured Cape Abilities Farm on Route 6A in Dennis, where they met with clients and workers, and were followed by a scrum of reporters. Cape Abilities Farm employs adults with developmental disabilities, teaching them various job and life skills. Warren, who started out as a special education teacher, had plenty of questions for Cape Abilities client Mike Dzialo. Dzailo showed her around the greenhouses, stopping to explain how … Continue Reading

August 20, 2014

MetroWest Daily News: Framingham: Sen. Warren and Rep. Clark praise new veterans counseling center

AUG 20, 2014 FRAMINGHAM - Twenty-two veterans commit suicide in the United States every day. That amounts to more than 8,000 a year; fewer soldiers die in combat. To help veterans living in MetroWest cope with transition to civilian life, the Worcester Vet Center has opened a mobile branch called the Framingham Community Access Point, or the CAP. The facility, housed at Edwards Church, provides counseling for combat veterans, family of armed forces members who died in service and military … Continue Reading

August 06, 2014

Berkshire Eagle: County Fare: Sen. Warren raves about Berkshire visit

AUG 6, 2014 U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren recently took a personal trip to the Berkshires with her husband Bruce, and posted a glowing endorsement on her Facebook page, using words like "a treasure," "spectacular" and "extraordinary" to describe parts of the experience. Read the full article … Continue Reading

August 04, 2014

Springfield Republican: Sen. Elizabeth Warren continues 'Fighting for Massachusetts' tour with stops at business, college campus

AUG 4, 2014 BOSTON - Continuing her state-wide "Fighting for Massachusetts" summer tour, Democratic U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Monday will visit a Brockton business and a college campus in Taunton. Monday at noon, Warren will tour corporate headquarters of W.B. Mason, the Massachusetts-based company which is the largest privately-held office supply company. Warren's office says that the visit is a follow-up since the company's decision in 2013 to reinvest in the local community by keeping … Continue Reading

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