News Coverage

Date Title
February 2018
Politico: Politico: A decade after meltdown, Senate moves to roll back bank rules
Los Angeles Times: Los Angeles Times: Sen. Elizabeth Warren presses Wells Fargo on problems with consumer refunds
The Nation: The Nation: Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Big Fight’ Against Monopolies
CNBC: CNBC: Wells Fargo faces grilling from Sen. Elizabeth Warren on bungled fee refunds
Bloomberg Law: Bloomberg Law: Sen. Warren Turns Attention to White House on Tip Pool Rule
El Nuevo Dia: El Nuevo Dia: Senadora Warren defiende la independencia del Instituto de Estadísticas
Springfield Republican: Springfield Republican: Sen. Elizabeth Warren, fellow lawmakers say EPA should insist on GE cleaning up Housatonic, dumping toxic waste outside Mass.
Springfield Republican: Springfield Republican: Elizabeth Warren slams Attorney General Jeff Sessions' record 1 year after being silenced on Senate floor
Vox: Vox: Elizabeth Warren warns Equifax could “wiggle off the hook” for users’ credit data getting hacked
American Banker: American Banker: Equifax misled public on data breach, Warren claims
Charlotte Observer: Charlotte Observer: Wells Fargo should find a new CEO, Elizabeth Warren says after latest Fed action
New Republic: New Republic: The Elizabeth Warren Model of Political Leadership
Dorchester Reporter: Dorchester Reporter: Warren demands bipartisan solution as health center crisis looms
American Banker: American Banker: CFPB's Mulvaney strips his fair-lending office of enforcement powers
Bloomberg Law: Bloomberg Law: Democrats Want Answers From Labor Dept. on Tip Sharing Secret
Bloomberg Government: Bloomberg Government: Revolving Door Between Trump Pentagon, Contractors Spins Faster
January 2018
American Banker: American Banker: Warren, Waters ask Mulvaney about CFPB change of heart on payday
Boston Globe: Boston Globe: Trump promises opioid fight, but Warren and others ask, ‘Where’s the money?’
Brockton Enterprise: Brockton Enterprise: He’s gone from Haiti to Brockton’s council -- now, Trump’s State of the Union
The Hill: The Hill: Warren rips Trump immigration proposal: It's 'insulting'
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