News Coverage

July 2020
The Boston Globe: The Boston Globe: Members of Mass. congressional delegation say Brooks Brothers should pay severance to Haverhill workers
WBUR: WBUR: Warren Pressures Prison Accreditor Over COVID-19 Response
NBC News: NBC News: 99 members of Congress demand withdrawal of restrictions on international students
NBC News: Trump threatens to veto Warren-backed defense bill removing Confederate names from military bases
The Washington Post: The Washington Post: Lawmakers call for more transparency in health agency’s pandemic data collection practices
Boston Herald: Boston Herald: Warren, Markey, Sanders introduce bill to end qualified immunity
June 2020
NBC Boston: NBC Boston: Senators Press FEMA For Answers on ‘Defective' PPE Sent To Nursing Homes
WCVB: WCVB: Dr. Anthony Fauci tells Sen. Elizabeth Warren US could see up to 100,000 COVID-19 cases per day
Axios: Axios: Elizabeth Warren introduces bill for nationwide eviction moratorium
The Boston Globe: The Boston Globe: Warren says consumer protection agency is ‘here to stay’ following Supreme Court ruling
WBUR: WBUR: Warren Bill Would Halt Nearly All Evictions During Pandemic, Expanding CARES Act Protections
The Boston Globe: The Boston Globe: Warren, Markey, and Pressley call for independent investigation of coronavirus deaths at Chelsea Soldiers’ Home Warren and Booker press meatpackers on exporting to China while claiming U.S. shortages
CNBC: CNBC: Elizabeth Warren demands answers from private equity industry on coronavirus response, lobbying
CNBC: CNBC: Elizabeth Warren wants to know how Fed Chair Powell will fight racial inequality during the economic recovery
NBC: NBC: Warren wants to know why Pence rejected U.S. goods in COVID fight
Rolling Stone: Rolling Stone: Elizabeth Warren’s New Target: ‘Egregious’ Conflicts of Interest in Trump’s COVID-19 Response
Common Dreams: Common Dreams: Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Ro Khanna Introduce Bill to Increase Military Accountability for Civilian Casualties
Forbes: Forbes: Colleges Want Coronavirus Liability Protection. Senator Warren Says Not So Fast.
CNBC: CNBC: Elizabeth Warren urges the SBA and Treasury to help keep child-care providers afloat
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