News Coverage

Date Title
October 2020
Reveal: Reveal: Lawmakers demand Amazon answer for deception on worker injuries
CNN: CNN: Elizabeth Warren demands investigation into elite investors accessing Trump briefings
CNN: CNN: Elizabeth Warren slams Disney for laying off thousands of workers after awarding fat executive pay packages
ABC News: ABC News: Senate Dems ask government watchdog to investigate 'political pressure' on FDA, CDC
Reuters: Reuters: Senator Warren asks big U.S. banks for details on pandemic performance Elizabeth Warren, Katherine Clark urge DEA in letter to finalize ‘partial fill’ regulation to combat opioid epidemic
The Washington Post: The Washington Post: Warren, Durbin slam government’s ‘failing’ efforts to contain coronavirus in federal prisons
Forbes: Forbes: Elizabeth Warren: Executives Of Predatory Colleges Should Be Held Personally Liable For Misconduct
The Boston Globe: The Boston Globe: Sen. Elizabeth Warren chides Trump for ‘undermining’ work of scientists
September 2020 A group of top CEOs pledged to change the way they do business for the common good. Elizabeth Warren says they haven’t.
The Hill: The Hill: Warren won't meet with Barrett, calling Trump's nomination an 'illegitimate power grab'
HuffPost: HuffPost: Democrats To Unveil Bill Addressing Government’s Cultural Genocide Of Native Americans
The Washington Post: The Washington Post: Democrats seek investigation into Pentagon’s coronavirus fund following Washington Post article
Vice: Vice: Wyden and Warren Demand Investigation into IRS Warrantless Location Tracking
Business Insider: Business Insider: Elizabeth Warren, AOC blast Wells Fargo CEO for blaming 'very limited pool of Black talent' for the bank's trouble hitting its diversity-hiring goals
Bloomberg: Bloomberg: Senators Blast ‘Feckless’ OSHA Response to Meat Plants’ Virus Outbreaks
Buzzfeed News: Buzzfeed News: Elizabeth Warren And Bernie Sanders Want Big Banking Reforms Following The FinCEN Files Investigations
WBUR: WBUR: Senators Warren And Markey Call For Shutdown Of Weymouth Compressor
Masslive: Masslive: Sen. Elizabeth Warren at Ruth Bader Ginsburg vigil: SCOTUS ‘fight has just begun’
CNBC: CNBC: Schumer, Warren propose forgiving $50,000 in student debt for borrowers due to pandemic
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