News Coverage

Date Title
August 2018
The Atlantic: The Atlantic: Elizabeth Warren’s Theory of Capitalism
Wicked Local Medford: Wicked Local: Hintermeister: An all-around antibiotics bill from Sen. Warren
Rolling Stone: Rolling Stone: Elizabeth Warren: Jeff Sessions Acted as “Catalyst” for Weed Legalization
Boston Herald: Boston Herald: John McCain remembered, respected by members of both parties
Washington Post: Washington Post: Elizabeth Warren’s revolutionary plan to reduce income inequality
Daily Beast: Daily Beast: Elizabeth Warren Has a Plan to Actually Drain the Swamp and Save Capitalism
Boston Globe: Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren’s plan to drain the swamp
NBC News: NBC: Warren, Democrats slam Trump for letting employers off the hook, call it 'wage theft' program
Washington Post: Washington Post: Elizabeth Warren is right: Corruption is rotting the U.S. from within
Yahoo: Yahoo: Senator Warren on weed legalization: 'The federal government should just back off'
New York Post: New York Post: Warren wants to ban lawmakers from owning individual stocks
Axios: Axios: Elizabeth Warren wants to bar Congress from owning individual stock
Mic: Mic: Elizabeth Warren brings out anti-corruption bill to "eliminate the influence of money" in politics
Daily Beast: Daily Beast: Elizabeth Warren Wants the IRS to Release Tax Returns for Presidential Candidates
CNNPolitics: CNN: Warren pitches new anti-corruption plan, calls Trump administration 'stinkiest example' of old problem
Huffington Post: Huffington Post: Elizabeth Warren’s Far-Reaching New Bill Aims To Actually Drain The Swamp
CNBC: CNBC: Sen. Elizabeth Warren's new reform bill would ban members of Congress from owning individual stocks
Vox: Vox: Sen. Elizabeth Warren just unveiled a dramatic plan to eradicate Washington corruption
American Banker: American Banker: ‘Padlock the revolving door’: Warren makes anti-corruption pitch
The Hill: The Hill: Warren proposes ban on lawmakers owning individual stocks
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