News Coverage

Date Title
August 2020
The Hill: The Hill: Bill from Warren, Gillibrand and Waters would make Fed fight economic racial inequalities
Bloomberg: Bloomberg: Elizabeth Warren Seeks SEC Insider Trading Probe After Kodak Shares Surge
POLITICO: Politico: ‘Shame on you’: Warren slams Esper over handling of Trump’s Pentagon nominee
July 2020
Forbes: Forbes: Democrats Introduce Bill To Get Police Out Of Schools
The Wall Street Journal : The Wall Street Journal: Lawmakers Urge FTC Probe of Mobile Ad Industry’s Tracking of Consumers
The New York Times: The New York Times: Democrats Decry Fed Push to Ease Capital Requirements for Big Banks
The Washington Post: The Washington Post: Senate Democrats raise concerns about educational redlining in student lending
NBC News: NBC News: Two senators demand answers from Wells Fargo following NBC News reports
Vice: Vice: Warren Investigates Report That FedEx, Walmart Punish Workers for Taking Time Off
Morning Consult : Morning Consult: Sens. Warren, Schatz Call on Fed to Suspend Bank Dividends and Increase Transparency
HuffPost: HuffPost: Millions Of Americans Are About To Be Homeless, And It’s Totally Preventable
The Hill: The Hill: Warren calls for pledge of no deployment of federal agents on protesters if Trump refuses to leave office
The Hill: The Hill: Warren hammers CFPB director over consumer complaints: 'You should resign'
Bloomberg Law: Bloomberg Law: Democratic Senators Urge Pandemic Crackdown on Noncompete Pacts
The Washington Post : The Washington Post: Democratic lawmakers probing whether CDC guidelines on reopening schools were influenced by political pressure
CNN: CNN: Warren calls on agency chiefs to commit to not deploying federal forces on Americans should Trump not leave office
Reuters: Reuters: Lawmakers probe White House pressure over schools reopening amid coronavirus
Foreign Policy: Foreign Policy: Democrats Make Last-Ditch Effort to Kill a Trump Pentagon Nomination
Common Dreams: Common Dreams: Sen. Warren Demands Eviction Moratorium as New Reporting Sheds Light on Nation's Stark Housing Inequality
The Real News Network : The Real News Network: Elizabeth Warren On Why We Must Stop Utility Shutoffs During The Pandemic
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