News Coverage

Date Title
July 2020
The Hill: The Hill: Warren, Booker call for OSHA standards for meatpacking plants in next relief package
The Hill: The Hill: Democrats hit Interior secretary for reportedly refusing to wear mask in meeting with tribes
Wall Street Journal : Wall Street Journal: Democrats Push Bill Allowing Student Loans to Be Absolved in Bankruptcy
Reuters: Reuters: Seven Democratic senators urge caution on Google's purchase of Fitbit
People: People: Senators Introduce 'Much Needed' Bill to Address Coronavirus' Racial Disparities
CNN: CNN: Senators accuse White House of belittling pandemic by ignoring long-term effects of Covid-19 infection
ABC News: ABC News: Senate Dems warn of 'catastrophe' if eviction protections expire
POLITICO: Politico: Senators request ethics probe after Ivanka Trump’s Goya endorsement
CNN: CNN: Warren asks CDC to mandate masks, citing Georgia's local ban
Bloomberg: Bloomberg: Warren Uses Dodd-Frank Anniversary to Signal Crackdown on Banks 'Just plain wrong': Elizabeth Warren calls on Stop & Shop to reinstate hazard pay
Forbes: Forbes: Elizabeth Warren: Cancel Student Debt In The Next Stimulus Package
WGBH: WGBH: Lawmakers Leverage Defense Bill To Address Police Reform, Racial Injustice
NBC News: NBC News: Elizabeth Warren requests investigation into relief funds
CNBC: CNBC: Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders slam Trump for giving Gilead ‘windfall’ deal for coronavirus drug
Vox: Vox: Elizabeth Warren wants answers on Facebook’s fact-checking loophole
The Boston Herald: The Boston Herald: Massachusetts officials, doctors, concerned over CDC coronavirus data streamlining with HHS
Common Dreams: Common Dreams: 'Dangerous' and 'Horrible': Lawmakers Demand Answers After Trump Upends CDC's Covid-19 Reporting System
The Washington Post : The Washington Post: Some researchers and politicians call for pregnant women to be included in coronavirus vaccine testing
WGBH: WGBH: Mass. House Coalition Lays Out Path Toward Maternal Health Equity
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