
September 2020
Warren, Booker Press OSHA on Feckless Enforcement of Meatpacking Facilities with COVID-19 Outbreaks
Senators to DHS IG: Investigate Alleged Forced Hysterectomies at ICE Facility
Senators Warren and Cassidy Urge HHS and Department of Education to Issue Guidance Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Students
August 2020
Warren, Colleagues Call for Immediate HELP Committee Hearing with CDC & FDA Heads to Investigate Trump Administration's Politicization of COVID-19 Response
Warren, Blunt Rochester, Underwood, & Colleagues Highlight Dangerous New EPA Methane Rule
Senators Warren and Smith Request Information on Capacity of COVID-19 Testing Labs to Process Diagnostic Tests
Senator Warren Questions How the FDA Communicates Emergency Use Authorization Changes to Health Care Practitioners and the Public
Warren, Hirono, Murray, and Colleagues Again Seek Answers from Department of Defense Secretary Esper on Slow and Disjointed Response to COVID-19
Warren, Blumenthal & Markey Urge CARES Act Inspectors General to Investigate Political Interference in Trump Administration's COVID-19 Response
Warren, Markey Request All Communications Between FDA and White House on Potentially Politicized Convalescent Plasma Emergency Use Authorization
Warren, Blumenthal, Jayapal Obtain and Release Troubling New Information on Evasion of Federal Conflict of Interest Rules by Dr. Moncef Slaoui, Top Advisor to Trump Administration's COVID-19 "Operation Warp Speed"
Warren and Markey Demand Answers from EPA Administrator Wheeler on Suspension of Environmental Enforcement During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Warren to Postal Service Board of Governors: Immediately Release Your Federal Financial Disclosures
Sens. Warren and Markey, Rep. Trahan Call on Expected New Brooks Brothers Owner to Maintain Haverhill Manufacturing Jobs
Warren, Brown and Cortez Masto Urge Treasury Department Inspector General to Investigate Reports that OCC Officials Shelved Investigations of Banks Engaging in Discriminatory Lending Practices and Redlining
Warren, Markey Request Update on CDC’s Efforts to Support State and Local Public Health Efforts to Control the Spread of EEE Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
Mass. Congressional Delegation Reiterates Request for Trump Administration to Fully Fund COVID-19 Response in Commonwealth
Mass. Congressional Delegation Reiterates Request for Trump Administration to Fully Fund COVID-19 Response for Tribal Nations in Massachusetts
Warren, Maloney, Porter Ask Behavioral Health and Addiction Treatment Facilities What Actions They Are Taking to Protect Residents from COVID-19 Outbreaks
Warren Joins Menendez, Colleagues in Urging Trump Admin to Address Reports of Retaliation among Workers of Color Who Report COVID-19 Workplace Concerns
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