
March 2022
Warren, Baldwin, Colleagues Urge Biden Administration to Designate Cameroon for Temporary Protected Status
Warren, Markey Call on President Biden to Deploy Clean Energy and Energy-Efficient Electric Technologies in Response to Putin’s Energy Market Disruption
Warren, Wyden Demand Answers About Wells Fargo's Discriminatory Mortgage-Refinancing Practices Against Black Homeowners
Warren, Durbin, Leahy, Padilla, Merkley Encourage Biden Administration's Efforts To Aid Families Separated Under Trump’s Cruel "Zero-Tolerance" Policy
Warren, Klobuchar, Porter, Schakowsky, Colleagues Call Out Drug Manufacturers For Providing Misleading Information on High Drug Prices
Warren, Porter Release FINRA Response On Troubling Allegations of Wells Fargo Misbehavior and FINRA’s Arbitration Process
Warren, Sanders, Padilla, Murphy, Lawson, Hayes, Torres, Colleagues Urge USDA to Issue Clearer Guidance that Informs Students of Their SNAP Benefits
Senators Warren, Warner, Brown, Reed Express Concerns to Treasury Regarding Potential Use of Cryptocurrency to Evade Sanctions
Warren, Klobuchar, Porter, Schakowsky, Colleagues Call Out Drug Manufacturers For Squeezing American Families With Rapid and Widespread Price Hikes on Prescription Drugs
February 2022
Warren, Colleagues Call on Leadership to Include Trade Provisions in China Competitiveness Bill that Level the Playing Field for American Workers
Warren and Smith Ask Regulators To Deny Special Regulatory Favors for Credit Suisse
Warren Urges SEC to Act Quickly to Issue Strong Climate Risk Disclosure Rule
Sen. Warren, Rep. Lee, Colleagues Urge Defense Department to Address Climate Crisis Risks in Upcoming National Defense Strategy
Warren Urges Department of Defense to Submit Complete Annual Report on Weapons Testing
January 2022
Warren Leads Colleagues in Calling on Senate Majority Leader Schumer to Support Additional Assistance to Low-Income and Developing Countries
Warren, Reed Urge OFR Director Falaschetti to Step Up and Use Tools Granted By Congress to Help Protect Consumers and the Economy
December 2021
Warren Calls on SEC to Investigate Whether Giant Oil Firms are Misleading Investors and the Public on Executive Pay
November 2021
As Student Loan Servicer Maximus Assumes Navient’s Portfolio, Warren Questions Company’s Troubled History and Seeks Assurances that Borrowers Will Receive Protections and Services During Transition
Warren Urges SEC to Investigate Potential Violations of Securities Laws During SPAC Merger with Trump Company
Warren, Congressional Delegation Call on Office of Refugee Resettlement to Coordinate with Massachusetts to Assist Haitian Families
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