Press Releases

September 29, 2020

ICYMI: Senator Warren Fast Company Op-ed: Business Roundtable declaration "was just an empty publicity stunt"

Read the op-ed here Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) published an op-ed today in Fast Company calling out how the Business Roundtable's big, splashy announcement last year to serve all stakeholders, including workers, consumers, and the communities in which they operate, was nothing but an empty publicity stunt. Earlier this month, Senator Warren sent a letter to the Business Roundtable criticizing them and their member CEOs for their failure to honor … Continue Reading

September 26, 2020

Senator Warren on the Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren said the following on Donald Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court:Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren The name of Trump's illegitimate Supreme Court nominee in many ways doesn’t matter. We know exactly what that person is being picked to do: complete a decades-long assault on our judiciary by billionaires and giant corporations to tilt the courts for the rich and powerful. Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren Trump made a bargain … Continue Reading

September 25, 2020

Warren, Khanna Call for Independent Watchdog Investigation of Pentagon Funneling Hundreds of Millions of Dollars of COVID-19 CARES Act Funds to Defense Contractors

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Member of Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC), and Representative Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), Member of the House Armed Services and Oversight and Reform Committees, formally requested that the Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General (IG) investigate reports that the Pentagon redirected hundreds of millions of dollars of funds meant for COVID-19 response via the Defense Production Act (DPA) to defense contractors for … Continue Reading

September 24, 2020

Warren, DeLauro, Pocan, Lee Press NLRB on Members' Conflicts of Interest, Seek Clarity and Transparency of the Board's Ethics Recusal Requirements

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), U.S House Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), Congressman Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), and Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), sent a follow-up letter to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) raising new questions about the Board's ethics policies, and requesting that the Board provide clarity and transparency regarding revisions to agency … Continue Reading

September 24, 2020

At Banking Hearing, Warren to Fed Chair: Step Up and Use Your Tools to Address Racial Disparities

Senator Elizabeth Warren: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The pandemic and the recession it created have hit communities of color the hardest, and I've said before that I believe that we need a policy response that acknowledges that.But it is equally important to recognize that racial inequality was amplified by the pandemic. It was not created by it. And even during periods of strong economic growth, measures of economic wellbeing for Black and Brown Americans have lagged far behind those for … Continue Reading

September 24, 2020

Warren, Wyden, Booker, and Lee Question the Use of Race-Based Algorithms in Standard Medical Practice

Washington, DC - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), sent a letter to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) requesting a review of the use of race-based clinical algorithms in standard medical practices. "The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and its disproportionate consequences for communities of color have starkly revealed that racism itself is a public … Continue Reading

September 23, 2020

At HELP Hearing, Warren Draws Attention to Vaccine Czar Conflicts of Interest; FDA Director Agrees Financial Conflicts of Interest Could "Affect Public Perception" of the Vaccine Development Process

Chairman Lamar Alexander: Senator Warren.Senator Elizabeth Warren: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.Vaccines are our best chance to end this pandemic. But Americans are not going to take a vaccine if they don't trust the federal officials who are promoting it. If federal officials stand to gain financially from certain COVID vaccines, and not from others, then Americans might reasonably worry that the vaccine was pushed for personal profit and not because it was best for our health.So, I have a … Continue Reading

September 22, 2020

Warren Delivers Floor Speech Honoring Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Calling on All Americans to Help Fight Republican Attempt to Steal Another Supreme Court Seat

Watch hereWashington, DC - Tonight, United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) spoke on the Senate floor to honor the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who fought for justice and equality for all throughout her life. Health care for millions of Americans, the right to join a union, voting rights, LGBTQ rights, Dreamers, a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body, our democracy, and so much more are at stake. Justice Ginsburg’s replacement will determine who the highest … Continue Reading

September 22, 2020

Senators Warren, Booker, and Rep. Deutch, Demand Information on the Safety of Prisoner Transportation by the U.S. Marshals Service and Contractor 'Prisoner Transportation Services' Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Washington, DC - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Congressman Ted Deutch (D-Fla.), sent letters to the United States Marshals Service (USMS) and private prisoner transport firm, Prisoner Transportation Services (PTS), requesting information about the steps USMS and PTS are taking to manage coronavirus spread among individuals in their custody, staff, and the general public, and urging them to immediately implement COVID-19 diagnostic testing of … Continue Reading

September 22, 2020

Warren, Booker Press OSHA on Feckless Enforcement of Meatpacking Facilities with COVID-19 Outbreaks

Washington, DC - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.) sent a letter to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regarding the agency's delayed and feckless response to the dozens of reports of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreaks affecting thousands of workers in hundreds of meatpacking facilities across the country.In the Spring of 2020, OSHA identified violations of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act at major … Continue Reading

September 22, 2020

TRANSCRIPT: Senator Warren Discusses Senate Republicans' Attempt to Steal Another Supreme Court Seat

Watch hereWashington, DC - Tonight United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) talked about honoring Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's wish and ensuring there is no confirmation before the inauguration of the next president. Full Transcript: Rachel Maddow: Senator Elizabeth Warren speaking at Saturday night's candlelight vigil for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the steps of the Supreme Court. Joining us now is Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, former Democratic candidate for … Continue Reading

September 21, 2020

Warren Statement on BuzzFeed News Investigation of Global Financial Corruption

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) released the following statement on BuzzFeed News' investigation revealing the deeply embedded corruption in our global financial system:"Big banks and companies abuse legal loopholes and weak enforcement by regulators to profit from illegal and shady transactions for criminals and terrorists. We must root out this corruption by strengthening transparency of financial networks and clamp down on the dark money that flows … Continue Reading

September 18, 2020

Warren Statement on the Passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren said the following on the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren Ruthie was my friend and I will miss her terribly. The t-shirts simply labeled "RBG" made her notorious. But it was her wit, her tenaciousness, and her skill as a jurist that made her an icon.Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren As a young mom heading off to Rutgers law school, I saw so few examples of female lawyers or law … Continue Reading

September 18, 2020

Senators to DHS IG: Investigate Alleged Forced Hysterectomies at ICE Facility

Washington, D.C. — United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) joined Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.), along with 36 other senators, calling on the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to expeditiously investigate a whistleblower complaint alleging forced hysterectomies and medical negligence at the Irwin County Detention Center (ICDC) in Ocilla, Ga. … Continue Reading

September 18, 2020

ICYMI: Warren and Raskin Publish Op-Ed in Support of Ranked-Choice Voting

Op-Ed in the Boston GlobeWashington, DC -- United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Representative Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) today published a joint op-ed in the Boston Globe in support of ranked-choice voting, which is also on the ballot in Massachusetts this November.Ranked-choice voting is a better way to voteBy Elizabeth Warren and Jamie RaskinBoston Globe Link...To defend our democracy, we need to fortify it. One way is by strengthening the principle of majority rule while … Continue Reading

September 17, 2020

Schumer, Warren: The Next President Can and Should Cancel Up To $50,000 In Student Loan Debt Immediately; Democrats Outline Plan for Immediate Action in 2021

President has existing executive authority to cancel student loan debt from Congress Canceling student loan debt will relieve a huge burden on families during COVID-19 and beyond, close the racial wealth gap, and boost our economy Over 100 community, civil rights, consumer, and student advocacy organizations support student debt cancellation; Donald Trump and Republicans continue to ignore the growing student debt crisis and block student debt cancellationLink to resolution | One-Pager | Legal … Continue Reading

September 17, 2020

Senator Warren Highlights Urgent Need to Cancel Student Loan Debt at HELP Hearing: If Congress Won't Act, the President Can

Senator Warren: Thank you. Mr. Chairman. This is our 4th annual hearing simplifying student aid applications. And by now, I think all of us agree that this is a good idea, but four hearings? Since the Republicans took control of the Senate nearly six years ago, we have not had one single hearing in this committee on the student debt crisis. Instead of spending more time on how to make it easier for students to borrow more money, I think we ought to focus on how to deal with the … Continue Reading

September 17, 2020

Senator Warren to Business Roundtable: Your 2019 Commitment to 'Promote an Economy that Serves all Americans' Was an Empty Publicity Stunt

Washington, DC - United States States Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) wrote to Jamie Dimon and Doug McMillon, former and current board chairs of the Business Roundtable (BRT), criticizing them and other BRT member CEOs for their failure to honor commitments from BRT's 2019 Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation. The statement reversed BRT's 23-year-old position that "corporations exist principally to serve shareholders," instead stating that corporations "share a fundamental commitment to … Continue Reading

September 16, 2020

Senators Warren and Cassidy Urge HHS and Department of Education to Issue Guidance Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Students

Washington, DC -- United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.) M.D., members of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, sent a bipartisan letter to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar and U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsey Devos, urging them to issue guidance to both K-12 schools and colleges and universities detailing how they should provide supports, services, and accommodations to … Continue Reading

September 16, 2020

Warren, Portman, Blackburn, Boozman, Tester, Reed Introduce Bill to Modernize Delivery of Notice of Lease Terminations for Servicemembers

Washington, DC -- United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC); Senator Robert Portman (R-Ohio); Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), a member of SASC and the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee (SVAC); Senator John Boozman (R-Ark.), a member of SVAC; SVAC Ranking Member Jon Tester (D-Mont.); and SASC Ranking Member Jack Reed (D-R.I.) introduced the Modernizing Notice of Lease Terminations for Servicemembers Act, bipartisan … Continue Reading

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