
December 18, 2017

STAT Op-Ed: Congress needs to fund community health centers right away

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

I love community health centers. They do wonderful work and enjoy widespread support. But I'm worried because Republican leaders in Congress have held these centers hostage by halting federal funding while they focus on passing tax cuts for the wealthy. It's past time to step up the fight for community health centers in my state of Massachusetts and across the country. Community health centers are a big part of what's working well in health care today - more coverage at lower cost. They are … Continue Reading

December 17, 2017

South Coast Today Op-Ed: The internet is for all of us ... not just the rich and powerful

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

The internet is an important part of our lives. In Massachusetts and across the country, students of all ages go online to complete their homework. Entrepreneurs and small businesses sell goods and do business online. Families come together to watch their favorite movies or shows. But right now our access to a fair and open internet is under attack. On Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to roll back key federal protections known as net neutrality rules - rules that … Continue Reading

December 17, 2017

New York Times Op-Ed: Warren and Sanders: Who Is Congress Really Serving?

by Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders

WASHINGTON - Over the past year, Republicans have made their priorities clear. Their effort to repeal Obamacare would have left tens of millions of people without health insurance. Now Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, wants to ram through an enormous tax giveaway to the wealthy before seating Doug Jones, Alabama's newly elected Democratic senator. The Republican agenda on health care and taxes may be popular with wealthy campaign donors, but it is widely disliked by the American … Continue Reading

December 05, 2017

Washington Post Op-Ed: UPS and Pfizer’s dirty little secret

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

The blandly named American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is one of the most powerful groups you may have never heard of. ALEC describes itself as the "largest nonpartisan, voluntary membership organization of state legislators dedicated to the principles of limited government, free markets and federalism." In reality, it is an almost entirely corporate-funded front group looking to roll back environmental, consumer and workplace protections in state legislatures across the country. When … Continue Reading

November 30, 2017

USA Today Op-Ed: Don't let Trump & Wall Street gut consumer protection bureau

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Before the 2008 financial crisis, people were tricked, squeezed, misled and outright cheated by a lot of lenders. Wall Street banks handed out mortgages they knew their customers couldn't repay. Credit card companies hid dangerous traps deep in the fine print of their contracts. Student loan servicers caught students and graduates in tangles of debt with high interest rates. And after sucking billions in profits out of the pockets of hardworking people, the financial giants crashed the … Continue Reading

November 17, 2017

American Prospect Op-Ed: Don't Let Wall Street Run Amok

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Ten years ago, just before the onset of the financial crisis, I wrote an article for an academic journal proposing a new agency that would regulate financial products and protect American consumers. I set my expectations low: This idea would go nowhere. But after the financial system imploded, there was sudden interest in my idea from that dusty academic journal. I started to talk to groups about building a consumer agency, and one after another came on board: unions, AARP, Consumers Union. … Continue Reading

November 08, 2017

Boston Herald Op-Ed: A seat of honor for POW/MIAs

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Every year on Nov. 11, America honors the men and women who have served our country in uniform. There are parades and special ceremonies, roundtable breakfasts and religious services. As the sister of three veterans, it has always been a time to reflect on the sacrifices of those who have served, and the families that love them. I remember how my mother watched for the mail. She looked forward to hearing from my brother David, when he was posted at Fort Sam Houston training as an emergency … Continue Reading

November 03, 2017

Washington Post Op-Ed: The Republican tax plan puts rich donors ahead of working families

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

The Republican leadership has outsourced its economic agenda to a handful of billionaires and corporate donors. From attempting to kick millions off of health insurance to rolling back rules protecting worker health and safety, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) have relentlessly pursued their donors' interests at the expense of working families. The Republican tax plan unveiled Thursday is the latest example. American families are already … Continue Reading

November 01, 2017

Politico Op-Ed: The Supreme Court Has An Ethics Problem

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

A few days before the Supreme Court returned from its summer break, Justice Neil Gorsuch, the court's newest member, attended a luncheon at the Trump International Hotel, where he was to give the keynote address. The location of the speech attracted the attention of dozens of protesters and a number of ethics watchdogs, who noted the apparent conflict of interest posed by Justice Gorsuch-a Trump nominee-keynoting an event at a hotel whose revenue goes in part to President Trump. That … Continue Reading

October 26, 2017

Bloomberg View Op-Ed: Don't Let Big Banks Escape the Fed's Scrutiny

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Community banks and credit unions face a lot of challenges today, and they make a good case for lightening some unnecessary regulatory burdens. But instead of focusing on these smaller institutions, Congress is considering easing up oversight for some of the biggest banks in the country. This would increase the risk of another financial crisis. In the aftermath of the crisis, Congress determined that banks with more than $50 billion in assets -- roughly the 40 biggest in the country -- posed … Continue Reading

October 16, 2017

Boston Globe Op-Ed: Even after Equifax and Wells Fargo, GOP sides with big financial institutions

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

The Equifax data breach and the Wells Fargo fake accounts scandal have given America a peek into business practices at some of America's biggest financial institutions. In both companies, a related practice popped to the surface: forced arbitration clauses. These little clauses, often buried in a fog of fine print, are a way for the companies to slither out of accountability when they cheat their customers. And Senate Republicans are on the verge of ramming through a resolution that will … Continue Reading

October 16, 2017

Glamour Op-Ed: Senator Elizabeth Warren: Attacks on Birth Control Access Are Attacks on Women's Economic Freedom

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

If anyone told a young woman today that she was expected to quit school after eighth grade or leave her job once she got married, most Americans would be outraged. Not fair! Women should have the same range of economic choices as men. Through the years, one door after another has opened, as women have become astronauts and neurosurgeons, run Fortune 500 companies and nonprofit organizations, and started their own businesses. Sure, there's still a lot of ground to make up, but the country has … Continue Reading

October 01, 2017

CNN Op-Ed: Canada's wake-up call to the US on NAFTA

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

President Donald Trump, a loud and persistent critic of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), recently began renegotiating this trade deal with Canada and Mexico. The President promised to secure a fair deal for American workers. That sounds great. After all, we don't think Americans should be forced to compete with poorly paid workers from Mexico or elsewhere, and we can demand that companies that want to trade with us lift wages, benefits, and health and safety standards for their … Continue Reading

September 27, 2017

Fortune Op-Ed: You Should Have Control Over Your Data, Not Sloppy Companies Like Equifax

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

On Sept. 7, Equifax-one of America's largest credit reporting agencies-disclosed that hackers had broken into its system and stolen highly personal information about more than 140 million Americans. Since then, I've heard from working families in Massachusetts and across the country. The Equifax hack is a nightmare. At best, it's a giant hassle-time on hold with the credit reporting agencies, fees for this service and that service, confusion about what's been stolen and what to do about it. … Continue Reading

September 11, 2017

Boston Globe Op-Ed: We can't fight the opioid crisis without adequate health care

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

The opioid epidemic touches every family in every corner of the Commonwealth. Last year alone, about 2,000 people in the state died from opioid overdoses, and many more struggle with addiction. The state Department of Public Health offers some hope that fatal overdose rates are slowing, but patients, families, and addiction treatment providers know this epidemic continues to burn its way through our state. To better understand how to successfully tackle the opioid crisis, I collected data … Continue Reading

September 05, 2017

CNN Op-Ed: Booker and Warren: Women in prison deserve dignity

by Senators Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker

In discussions of prison reform, one group is nearly always overlooked: women. Women are the fastest growing segment of America's prison population, but because they are typically not the first image that comes to mind when someone thinks of an incarcerated person, they are often afterthoughts in policy discussions about ways to fix our broken system. In July, we introduced the Dignity for Incarcerated Women Act, a bill that would help address the unjust conditions incarcerated women face. … Continue Reading

July 17, 2017

Springfield Republican Op-Ed: GOP health plan would hit veterans hard

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Last week, I returned from Afghanistan. I learned a lot from the dedicated men and women from Massachusetts and around the country stationed there. And I thought about our commitments to those who serve and about just how much we owe our service members, veterans, and their families - and that includes protecting their health care. This week, I'm back in Washington, just as President Trump and Senate Republicans are pressing forward with their health care repeal bill, a plan to strip away … Continue Reading

June 27, 2017

Forbes Op-Ed: Why CEOs Should Fight the Senate's Healthcare Bill

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

After weeks of secret negotiations, the Senate Republicans released their so-called "healthcare" bill on Thursday. Despite the fact that this bill could have a bigger impact on our nation's economy-and the bottom line of every business in this country-than any other law or regulation under discussion by Congress, America's business leaders have been remarkably quiet. The CEOs know who will be hit: their workers, their customers and their shareholders. Cuts to Medicaid and shrinking insurance … Continue Reading

June 16, 2017

Huffington Post Op-Ed: Elizabeth Warren and Sheldon Whitehouse: After Paris, U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Members’ Reputations Are On The Line

by Senators Elizabeth Warren and Sheldon Whitehouse

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a heavy hitter in Washington. It was the second largest spender of anonymous outside money-or "dark money"-in the 2016 federal elections, second only to the National Rifle Association. And, in addition to all that spending directed at Congress and the White House, it wields the largest lobbying force on Capitol Hill. Last year, the Chamber dropped over $100 million on lobbying, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. So what companies are members of … Continue Reading

June 12, 2017

Boston Globe Op-Ed: Saving for retirement just got easier

by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Many Massachusetts families, like families all across the United States, are finding it harder than ever to save for their retirement. There are a lot of reasons for this: Wages are flat, housing costs in our statecontinue to rise, and 40 percent of workers - including more than 70 percent of the lowest income workers - don't have access to a retirement plan at work. But there is another reason families in the statearen't saving enough for retirement. According to new research from the … Continue Reading

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