News Coverage

June 12, 2021

WCVB: Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Jim McGovern support striking nurses at St. Vincent Hospital

WORCESTER, Mass. — A U.S. senator and a U.S. representative from the Massachusetts congressional delegation showed their support for the striking nurses at St. Vincent Hospital in Worcester on Saturday.Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Jim McGovern, of the 2nd District, and other labor leaders attended a rally across the street from the hospital on what marked the 97th day of the strike against Dallas-based Tenet Healthcare.The strike, which began on March 8, is now the longest nurses strike in … Continue Reading

June 09, 2021

Bloomberg: Crypto Is ‘Wild West’ Needing Consumer Protections, Warren Says

by Joe Light and Joe Weisenthal

The U.S. government needs to step up oversight of the digital currency market and find ways to protect consumers from scams stemming from the rapid rise of cryptocurrencies, Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren said Wednesday.Warren, in a Bloomberg TV interview, called the market for cryptocurrencies the “wild West,” and said digital currency is “not a good way to buy and sell things and not a good investment and an environmental disaster.”Earlier in the day, Warren chaired a … Continue Reading

June 09, 2021

New York Times: An Exposé Has Congress Rethinking How to Tax the Superrich

by Jonathan Weisman and Alan Rappeport

WASHINGTON — A jaw-dropping report by ProPublica detailing how America’s richest men avoided paying taxes has intensified interest in Congress, even among some Republicans, in changing the tax code to ensure that people like Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett pay their fair share.For Republicans, the idea that the tax code should give preferential treatment to investment has been sacrosanct, ostensibly to promote economic growth and innovation that could benefit everyone. But the news this week … Continue Reading

June 04, 2021

Bloomberg: SEC Ousts Head of Top Audit Regulator Amid Warren Pressure

by Benjamin Bain and Robert Schmidt

The Securities and Exchange Commission, led by Chairman Gary Gensler, has fired the U.S.’s top accounting regulator, a move that is certain to please investor advocates and progressives who had demanded an overhaul of the watchdog.The SEC announced the removal of Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Chairman William Duhnke in a Friday statement. He was replaced on an acting basis with PCAOB board member Duane DesParte.The change was approved in a vote by Gensler and the SEC’s … Continue Reading

June 01, 2021

Wicked Local: Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Salem small biz owners talk COVID-19 struggles

by William J. Dowd

A little under a dozen small-business owners on Tuesday told Sen. Elizabeth Warren they are facing a mixture of COVID-19-related issues as they bounce back from the global pandemic in 2021. Warren joined Mayor Kim Driscoll, elected officials and mostly local restaurant and café owners seated around a table set up outside the Adriatic Restaurant for the early-afternoon conversation in downtown Salem. COVID-19 wreaked havoc on the local tourism, hospitality and restaurant industry.  “Every … Continue Reading

June 01, 2021

Eagle Tribune: Groceries and grades: Warren visits Lawrence to bring attention to college food insecurity

by Allison Corneau

LAWRENCE — Not long ago, pre-pandemic, Northern Essex Community College was serving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the hallways of its Lawrence campus. Sure, NECC President Lane Glenn may have really liked a grab n' go grape jelly with crunchy Jif, but the PB&J sandwich stations signaled a lot more, the community college head explained. According to Glenn, they illustrated the harsh reality many college students face, right at home in Lawrence: That food insecurity is very real.Glenn, … Continue Reading

May 27, 2021

Quartz: Elizabeth Warren doesn’t buy Jamie Dimon’s commitment to conscious capitalism

by Kira Bindrim

If you were to host an impromptu dinner party to discuss the role of corporate America in social welfare today, Elizabeth Warren and Jamie Dimon would be close to the top of the guest list. Warren, a Massachusetts senator and former Democratic presidential candidate, has for decades taken up the mantle of causes like consumer protection and income inequality, while Dimon, JPMorgan Chase’s chairman and CEO, has cultivated a reputation for pushing corporate America to embrace a more socially … Continue Reading

May 27, 2021

Rollcall: Progressives push more clean energy infrastructure spending

by Benjamin J. Hulac and Joseph Morton

A pair of progressive lawmakers is pushing to include legislation that would lock in more than $1 trillion in spending for U.S.-made clean energy products and create a new division of the Energy Department focused on low- and zero-carbon options.Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Rep. Andy Levin, D-Mich., are set to unveil two bills Thursday as left-leaning Democrats in Congress are pushing the Biden administration and members of their party on Capitol Hill to maintain a broad, … Continue Reading

May 26, 2021

New York Times: Senators criticize Wall Street chiefs about their pandemic response.

by Matthew Goldstein and Kate Kelly

The top executives of six of the biggest banks in the United States drew criticism from several senators during a hearing on Capitol Hill on Wednesday for not doing more to help small businesses and retail customers during the pandemic.A number of lawmakers said the nation’s top banks should have provided more relief to businesses and consumers in light of the big profits the banking industry posted last year.The most contentious moment occurred when Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of … Continue Reading

May 26, 2021

Salon: Elizabeth Warren and Jamie Dimon face off in heated Senate hearing

by Jon Skolnik

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., grilled J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon during a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Tuesday, calling claims that the bank helped customers during the pandemic "a bunch of baloney.""No matter how you try to spin it," Warren declared, "this past year has shown that corporate profits are more important to your bank than offering just a little help to struggling families even when we're in the middle of a worldwide crisis."Back in December, CNBC reported that, … Continue Reading

May 25, 2021

Bloomberg: Warren Tears Into Fed on Credit Suisse Oversight Before Archegos

by Jesse Hamilton

Senator Elizabeth Warren ripped the Federal Reserve for its oversight of Credit Suisse Group AG in the run-up to Archegos Capital Management’s implosion, arguing the regulator badly blundered when it freed the bank from heightened monitoring.Warren pointed out at a Tuesday Senate hearing that the Fed knew Credit Suisse had problems estimating its potential trading losses because the agency had flagged the Swiss bank over that issue in its 2019 stress tests. She questioned why Credit Suisse, … Continue Reading

May 24, 2021

Bloomberg: Elizabeth Warren Floats $31.5 Billion Plan to Pursue Tax Cheats

by Laura Davison

Senator Elizabeth Warren is proposing to nearly triple the Internal Revenue Service’s budget to help identify wealthy individuals who are cheating on their taxes.The Massachusetts Democrat is proposing to give the IRS a mandatory annual budget of $31.5 billion, up from the $11.9 billion the agency received from Congress for fiscal year 2021. Warren’s legislation would remove the agency’s funding from the annual appropriations process, so that it wouldn’t change based on the year-to-year whims … Continue Reading

May 20, 2021

Mother Jones: Elizabeth Warren Wants Joe Biden to Go Bigger on Child Care

by Kara Voght

When Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) ran for president, one of the first policies she unveiled to establish herself as the wonk candidate was a proposal for universal child care and pre-K. Warren delivered her speech for last summer’s virtual Democratic National Convention from a pandemic-shuttered daycare and used her five minutes of primetime to elevate child care as “the basic infrastructure of this nation.” She’s kept up the … Continue Reading

May 20, 2021

CNN: Senators call on Biden administration to demand Saudi end blockade tactics on a starving Yemen

by Jennifer Hansler, Nima Elbagir and Nicole Gaouette

(CNN) - A group of Democratic senators are calling on President Joe Biden to take "immediate and decisive action" to end Saudi Arabia's "blockade tactics" in Yemen that have prevented food, medicine and other crucial supplies from reaching desperate and starving people there.A Saudi failure to meet those demands should result in consequences, the senators wrote in a Wednesday letter to Biden that CNN has seen, "to include pending weapons sales, military cooperation, the provision of … Continue Reading

May 15, 2021

The Hill: Warren calls for US to support ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

by Sarah Polus

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called for the U.S. to support a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas amid escalating violence in the Gaza Strip that has killed dozens of civilians and leveled a high rise building that houses several prominent media outlets."Israeli airstrikes that destroyed international media outlets and killed innocent Gaza civilians tell us what we already know: Israel and Hamas must work with negotiators and reach a ceasefire immediately and the US must actively support … Continue Reading

May 11, 2021

National Public Radio: Warren, Sanders Call For Expanding Food Aid To College Students

by Elissa Nadworny

Democrats in the House and Senate are introducing legislation Tuesday that would make pandemic-related food benefits for college students permanent. The push is being led by Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent.In the December relief package, Congress increased the number of low-income college students eligible for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for the duration of the pandemic. That included students who are eligible for work … Continue Reading

May 11, 2021 Elizabeth Warren and Ayanna Pressley bring back the Andrew Kearse Act, four years after his death in police custody

by Nik DeCosta-Klipa

Before the words “I can’t breathe” became a rallying cry in the wake of George Floyd’s death, there was Andrew Kearse.Kearse, a Black resident of New York City, died exactly four years ago — May 11, 2017 — from a heart attack in the back of a police cruiser, despite repeatedly pleading to officers for help. Dash camera footage showed the 36-year-old breathing heavily in the back of the car and repeatedly telling officers, “I can’t breathe.” In total, he asked for help 70 times over the course … Continue Reading

May 06, 2021 Warren, Markey urge Senate leadership to include long-term investments for schools in next funding package

by Dialynn Dwyer

Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey are among a group of lawmakers urging Senate leadership to ensure that long-term investments for schools recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic are included in the next major funding package. In a letter jointly addressed to Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday, the Massachusetts Democrats wrote that additional funding is needed for elementary and secondary schools to “accelerate students’ academic progress, address … Continue Reading

May 05, 2021

Forbes: Warren: Extend Student Loan Freeze Or Make It ‘Permanent’

by Adam S. Minsky

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) suggested on Tuesday that the Biden administration should extend the current pause on federal student loan payments and interest, or implement a permanent freeze.Warren’s comments, made on Twitter, were made in response to a statement earlier this week by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona that the administration isn’t ruling out extending the student loan moratorium beyond the current September expiration. The CARES Act, which Congress enacted last year, … Continue Reading

April 28, 2021

Business Insider: Elizabeth Warren and other Democratic senators demand to know how US pharmaceutical companies plan to share vaccine technology as COVID-19 devastates India

by Charles Davis

In the next few weeks, more than half of Americans will have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine. In much of the developing world, if current trends hold, people will be lucky to get a shot by 2022 — all the more reason, a group of US senators say, that pharmaceutical companies should be sharing their know-how and hastening the end to this global health crisis.Sharing intellectual property, "such as vaccine recipes and manufacturing information... could drastically expand … Continue Reading

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