News Coverage

August 28, 2018

The Atlantic: Elizabeth Warren’s Theory of Capitalism

by Franklin Foer

While so much of the action on the American left in recent months has come in the form of revived enthusiasm for socialism, Senator Elizabeth Warren has positioned herself quite differently. During the past two weeks, she has expounded about the prospects for capitalism in a much-covered speech and in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. Instead of championing the system’s demise, she presents herself as its savior. Embedded in her musings were two aggressive proposals for overhauling American … Continue Reading

August 27, 2018

Wicked Local: Hintermeister: An all-around antibiotics bill from Sen. Warren

by Henry Hintermeister

Rising strands of super-resistant bacteria ? that is, bacteria capable of resisting even hardcore antibiotics ? do not discriminate between Democrats and Republicans. Our immune systems, it turns out, are pretty much the same. Given this fact of human biology, Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Bill to Strengthen Oversight of Antibiotic Use in Animals should earn your support, no matter what of the aisle you stand on. The bill, introduced in late June, would restrict the reckless overuse of antibiotics … Continue Reading

August 27, 2018

Rolling Stone: Elizabeth Warren: Jeff Sessions Acted as “Catalyst” for Weed Legalization

by Matt Laslo

This year, President Donald Trump broke ranks with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and signaled he supports new legislation called the STATES Act, which would end the outright federal ban on marijuana by allowing each state to decide their own pot policy. This was good news for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), one of the bill’s original sponsors. Warren teamed up on the effort with Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) who was pivotal in getting the president to endorse the broad contours of their bill. … Continue Reading

August 27, 2018

Boston Herald: John McCain remembered, respected by members of both parties

by Laurel J. Sweet

Opposing sides of the political aisle set aside their differences to remember the late U.S. Sen. John Sidney McCain III — a true-blue patriot they agreed exemplified impartiality in deed and speech.The “Straight Talk Express” conductor, 2008 Republican presidential nominee and a Vietnam prisoner of war, died Saturday at 4:28 p.m., his wife, Cindy, and their family at his side in Arizona. McCain’s yearlong battle with aggressive brain cancer claimed his life at age 81.Read the full story on the … Continue Reading

August 24, 2018

Washington Post: Elizabeth Warren’s revolutionary plan to reduce income inequality

by Kyle Williams

Sen. Elizabeth Warren introduced legislation last week that could have big consequences for big business.One of the most ambitious policy ideas in decades, the Accountable Capitalism Act would breathe new life into the movement to restrain corporate power. Warren (D-Mass.) proposes forcing corporate boards to balance the pursuit of profits with the interests of stakeholders like workers, consumers, suppliers, the general public and even the environment. In short, she wants to change the rules … Continue Reading

August 23, 2018

Daily Beast: Elizabeth Warren Has a Plan to Actually Drain the Swamp and Save Capitalism

by Gideon Resnick

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is determined to let you know that she’s a capitalist.It is, perhaps, a semi-radical thing to say in this day and age in Democratic politics. The party’s base has veered more comfortably to the left, embracing broad progressive policiesfrom Medicare for All to a federal jobs guarantee. And though the senator from Massachusetts is backing these very legislative proposals, she’s also making a play for nuance. There is, she explains, wisdom in capitalism, provided the … Continue Reading

August 22, 2018

Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren’s plan to drain the swamp

Give Senator Elizabeth Warren points for exquisite timing — introducing her sweeping new anti-corruption proposal on the very same day President Trump’s former personal lawyer and his former campaign manager added the word “guilty” to their resumes in federal courts.“There’s no real question that the Trump era has given us the most nakedly corrupt leadership this nation has seen in our lifetimes,” Warren said on the day that Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign fraud and Paul Manafort, a … Continue Reading

August 22, 2018

NBC: Warren, Democrats slam Trump for letting employers off the hook, call it 'wage theft' program

by Suzy Khimm

Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other leading Democrats are demanding answers about a new Trump administration program that rewards employers who self-report wage and overtime violations, warning that the initiative could "seriously harm workers being cheated by their employers."Under the pilot program, which was the focus of an NBC special report on Monday, employers who come clean about minimum wage and overtime violations can avoid additional penalties and private litigation by bilked … Continue Reading

August 22, 2018

Washington Post: Elizabeth Warren is right: Corruption is rotting the U.S. from within

by Helaine Olen

Tuesday was the perfect day for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) to debut ambitious new legislation designed to combat government corruption. President Trump’s former “fixer” Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to banking and tax law violations, as well as violating campaign finance laws “at the direction of a candidate for federal office,” while Trump’s former campaign boss Paul Manafort was found guilty by a Virginia jury on eight counts of tax and bank fraud. And just as the day was ending, news … Continue Reading

August 22, 2018

Yahoo: Senator Warren on weed legalization: 'The federal government should just back off'

by Adriana Belmonte

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) thinks that the federal government should “back off” while an increasing number of U.S. states legalize marijuana for various reasons.“As you know, many states around the country have legalized marijuana, either for medical reasons or for medical and for recreational reasons,” Warren told Jen Rogers on the Final Round. “The problem, of course, is that nothing has changed at federal law.”Warren noted that during the Obama administration, the policy involved not … Continue Reading

August 21, 2018

New York Post: Warren wants to ban lawmakers from owning individual stocks

by Nikki Schwab

WASHINGTON — Sen. Elizabeth Warren is proposing a bill that would prevent members of Congress from owning individual stocks.“Enough with the spectacle of HHS secretaries and herds of congressmen caught up in insider trading schemes,” she said. “It’s time to ban elected officials and senior agency officials from owning or trading stocks while in office.”Warren was alluding to the recent arrest of Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) over alleged insider trading of stock in Innate Immunotherapeutics, which … Continue Reading

August 21, 2018

Axios: Elizabeth Warren wants to bar Congress from owning individual stock

by Alayna Treene

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) introduced a sweeping anti-corruption bill Tuesday that would impose a lifetime ban on lobbying for presidents and federal lawmakers, restrict elected officials from owning individual stock, and limit lobbying on behalf of foreign governments.Why it matters: Warren's Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act has a slim chance of passing, but it does shine a light on the questionable financial practices of several government officials, from Capitol Hill to the … Continue Reading

August 21, 2018

Mic: Elizabeth Warren brings out anti-corruption bill to "eliminate the influence of money" in politics

by Emily C. Singer

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) introduced a broad anti-corruption bill Tuesday that would, among other things, impose a lifetime lobbying ban on presidents and federal lawmakers, prohibit individual members of Congress from owning stocks and, in a clear jab at President Donald Trump, require presidential candidates to release years of tax returns.“Washington is corrupt,” Warren said in a video announcing her new legislation, named the Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act. “Across the … Continue Reading

August 21, 2018

Daily Beast: Elizabeth Warren Wants the IRS to Release Tax Returns for Presidential Candidates

by Gideon Resnick

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has an idea to keep political candidates honest: release their tax returns prior to being elected.As part of a sweeping legislative package the Massachusetts Democrat dubbed the Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act, Warren on Tuesday proposed that the Internal Revenue Service be required to release tax returns from the previous eight years for any presidential or vice presidential candidates.The IRS would also do so for each year these individuals are in … Continue Reading

August 21, 2018

CNN: Warren pitches new anti-corruption plan, calls Trump administration 'stinkiest example' of old problem

by Gregory Krieg and Dan Merica

Sen. Elizabeth Warren unveiled a series of new planks Tuesday in her wider plan to stem corporate influence on government and root out corruption in Washington.Introduced as a potential 2020 presidential primary contender, the Massachusetts Democrat took aim at President Donald Trump, casting him as the product of a rotten system rather than an outlier or fluke and saying his administration fit a decades-old pattern of self-dealing in Washington.Warren's plan, which would impose a lifetime ban … Continue Reading

August 21, 2018

Huffington Post: Elizabeth Warren’s Far-Reaching New Bill Aims To Actually Drain The Swamp

by Daniel Marans

WASHINGTON ? Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) unveiled a sweeping plan on Tuesday to crack down on the lawful corruption she said has infected Washington policymaking.In a speech at the National Press Club, Warren blamed the lack of public trust in government on the undue influence of wealthy special interests and laws too toothless to curb them.She went on to announce legislation she’ll offer that contains six major reforms to remedy what she termed the “crisis of faith” in government. The … Continue Reading

August 21, 2018

CNBC: Sen. Elizabeth Warren's new reform bill would ban members of Congress from owning individual stocks

by Kevin Breuninger

Sen. Elizabeth Warren proposes a new bill that would ban members of Congress and the White House staff from owning individual stocks.As an apparent alternative, the legislation would create "conflict-free investment opportunities for federal officials with new investment accounts."Read the full story on the CNBC website … Continue Reading

August 21, 2018

Vox: Sen. Elizabeth Warren just unveiled a dramatic plan to eradicate Washington corruption

by Ella Nilsen

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) envisions a United States government in which presidential and vice presidential candidates must — by law — disclose eight years’ worth of tax returns and place any assets that could present a conflict of interest into a blind trust to be sold off (neither of which President Donald Trump has done).To Warren, the Trump administration’s nepotism is emblematic of everything that is wrong with Washington. But she doesn’t just want to replace Trump and his … Continue Reading

August 21, 2018

American Banker: ‘Padlock the revolving door’: Warren makes anti-corruption pitch

by Neil Haggerty

WASHINGTON — Wall Street’s toughest critic in the Senate has unveiled comprehensive legislation to limit the revolving door between corporations and the government, touting it as the “most ambitious anti-corruption legislation proposed in Congress since Watergate.”“At a time when this country faces enormous challenges, our government actively serves the richest and most powerful and turns its back on everyone else,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said in a speech at the National Press Club … Continue Reading

August 21, 2018

The Hill: Warren proposes ban on lawmakers owning individual stocks

by Megan Keller

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Tuesday outlined a new proposal to ban members of Congress from owning individual stocks, which comes as a GOP lawmaker has been indicted on insider trading charges.Warren explained in a speech to the National Press Club that the bill would bar members of Congress, Cabinet-level officials, federal judges and other senior government officials from possessing and trading individual stocks.“They can put their savings in conflict-free investments like mutual … Continue Reading

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