News Coverage

September 15, 2018

The Boston Globe: Mass. lawmakers rip Columbia Gas for ‘woefully inadequate response’ to Merrimack Valley fires, explosions

by Danny McDonald

The state’s two US senators and the congressmen representing the Merrimack Valley communities rocked by gas fires and explosions Thursday have sent a letter to Columbia Gas criticizing its “woefully inadequate response” to the disaster that forced thousands of residents from their homes. US Senators Edward J. Markey and Elizabeth Warren and Representatives Niki Tsongas of Lowell and Seth Moulton of Salem addressed the sharply worded letter Friday to Steve Bryant, president of Columbia Gas of … Continue Reading

September 14, 2018

MassLive: Sen. Elizabeth Warren: 'The spotlight's on Columbia' after 1 killed, thousands displaced in Lawrence, North Andover, Andover fires and explosions

by Melissa Hanson

U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey on Friday morning called for answers and transparency from Columbia Gas after explosions and fires on Thursday killed one man and injured 25 others. Warren said while the immediate problem is residents being moved out of their homes in Lawrence, North Andover, and Andover, officials need to look at the long term."The spotlight is on Columbia," Warren said to reporters Friday morning. "I want to make sure that spotlight stays on them when the … Continue Reading

September 14, 2018

MassLive: Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey seek congressional hearing on Merrimack Valley gas explosions

by Shannon Young

U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, D-Massachusetts, called on Congressional leaders Friday to immediately convene a hearing on gas explosions and fires that damaged homes and injured residents of Lawrence, Andover and North Andover on Thursday. The senators, who met with first responders and local officials during a visit to the command center in Lawrence Friday, asked the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee to look into how the incident occurred and what must be … Continue Reading

September 14, 2018

Business Insider: Elizabeth Warren calls out Amazon for using a 'special information advantage' for 'anti-competitive' practices

by Dennis Green

Sen. Elizabeth Warren laid out her criticisms of Amazon - and why she thinks it should be scrutinized more closely. Speaking with The New York Times' Andrew Ross Sorkin on Thursday, Warren centered her criticism on the fact that Amazon is both a marketplace - essentially, a platform for other sellers - and a direct retailer itself.The problem, Warren says, is that Amazon gets the data from all of these sales and doesn't necessarily share it. With that information, Amazon can then create its … Continue Reading

September 14, 2018

The Hill: Warren wants companies to disclose more about climate change impacts

by Timothy Cama

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) wants to require corporations to disclose to the public and investors about how much they are contributing to climate change and what risks it causes their businesses.Warren, seen as a likely presidential candidate in 2020, has largely built her political career on pushing progressive policies on corporate accountability, like her role launching the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.She proposed the Climate Risk Disclosure Act Friday to raise public awareness … Continue Reading

September 13, 2018

Roll Call: Senators Cheer Trump Order on Election Meddling, but Want More Action

by Niels Lesniewski

Senators are pleased to see the Trump administration doing something about election interference, but they don’t think Wednesday’s executive order will be enough.Some of the concern comes from the fact that even if federal agencies report evidence of Russian evidence to interfere in the 2018 midterms, President Donald Trump could still waive the imposition of sanctions.Perhaps not coincidentally, the Senate Banking Committee was holding a hearing Wednesday afternoon with outside witnesses to … Continue Reading

September 12, 2018

MassLive: Elizabeth Warren, MA Dems condemn President Donald Trump's response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, reject claim it was 'unsung success'

by Shannon Young

Massachusetts congressional lawmakers pushed back this week against President Donald Trump's assertion that his administration's response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico was an "incredible unsung success."U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, Massachusetts Democrats who have criticized the Federal Emergency Management Agency's handling of the September 2017 hurricane, took issue with Trump's suggestion that the federal response in Puerto Rico was "incredibly successful.""No, (Donald … Continue Reading

September 12, 2018

Common Dreams: 'Outrageous': Fury as Pompeo Puts US 'Rubber Stamp' of Approval on Saudi Slaughter of Civilians in Yemen

by Julia Conley

As local journalists in Yemen reported that at least 15 civilians were killed in Saudi airstrikes in the port city of Hodeidah on Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo officially certified that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), whose three-year assault on the country has been made possible by U.S. support, are doing all they can to avoid civilian casualties."The governments of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are undertaking demonstrable actions to reduce the … Continue Reading

September 11, 2018

BuzzFeed: More Than 2,000 Puerto Ricans Applied For Funeral Assistance After Hurricane Maria. FEMA Approved Just 75.

by Nidhi Prakash

FEMA approved just 3% of applications for funeral assistance from more than 2,000 Puerto Rican families who lost loved ones after Hurricane Maria, according to a letter the agency head wrote to Sen. Elizabeth Warren. In response to an earlier letter from Warren, Brock Long, director of FEMA, wrote on Aug. 14 that as of July 30, his agency had received 2,431 requests for funeral assistance from Puerto Ricans related to the hurricane — they approved just 75 of them, meaning 97% have either been … Continue Reading

September 07, 2018

New Republic: Obama endorses “Medicare for all” and gives a special nod to Elizabeth Warren’s ideas.

by Jeet Heer

Speaking to an audience largely made up of students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, former President Barack Obama spoke approvingly of the aggressively reformist agenda being put forward by Democratic candidates.“So Democrats aren’t just running on good old ideas like a higher minimum wage, they’re running on good new ideas like Medicare for all, giving workers seats on corporate boards, reversing the most egregious corporate tax cuts to make sure college students graduate,” … Continue Reading

September 07, 2018

American Banker: Two lawmakers urge CFPB, FTC to keep pressure on Equifax

by Neil Haggerty

Two Democratic lawmakers are calling for an update on regulators' progress investigating Equifax a year after a massive data breach at the credit reporting giant came to light. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., have sent a letter to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission urging them to hold credit reporting agencies accountable. Equifax disclosed the breach that ultimately affected 148 million consumers, in September … Continue Reading

September 06, 2018

Boston Globe: Elizabeth Warren: If Trump officials are so worried, they should invoke the 25th Amendment

by Jaclyn Reiss

US Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts told a TV news reporter that if Trump administration officials are so worried about the country, they should invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office. Warren’s comments to CNN reporter Manu Raju on Thursday came after an explosive New York Times op-ed written by a senior administration official claiming that a group of staffers is trying to sabotage parts of Trump’s agenda from inside the White House. The senator reportedly … Continue Reading

September 06, 2018

Washington Post: Senate Democrats ask Justice Dept. to review Giuliani's work for foreign clients

by Felicia Sonmez

Seven Senate Democrats asked the Department of Justice to examine Rudolph W. Giuliani’s work for foreign clients Thursday, arguing that recent reports on his activities “raise significant concerns” about whether he is improperly lobbying government officials as President Trump’s personal attorney. The letter was written by Democratic Sens. Tom Udall (N.M.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Tammy Duckworth (Ill.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.), Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.), Jeff Merkley (Ore.) and Richard … Continue Reading

September 06, 2018

CNN: Elizabeth Warren: Time to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from Office

by Manu Raju

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, seizing on an explosive op-ed from an anonymous administration official, said Thursday that it's time to use constitutional powers to remove President Donald Trump office if top officials don't think he can do the job. "If senior administration officials think the President of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the Vice President and … Continue Reading

September 01, 2018

The Hill: Warren: McCain always told me to get in the fight and ‘throw some punches’

by Morgan Gstalter

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) honored the late Sen. John McCain in the Capitol Rotunda on Friday, saying the Arizona Republican always encouraged her to get into the fight and “throw some punches.” “When John McCain and I worked together, he’d say: ‘Show some fight. Get in there - throw some punches,’ ” Warren tweeted as lawmakers gathered in front of McCain's flag-draped casket as it lay in state Friday.“That was his approach to life - if you’re gonna be in a fight, you better give it your … Continue Reading

August 29, 2018

Vox: Exclusive: Sen. Warren asks for investigation of Trump administration’s “alarming” steel tariff exemptions

by Alexia Fernández Campbell

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is accusing the Trump administration of rigging its trade wars.  On Wednesday, the Massachusetts Democrat asked the Commerce Department’s inspector general to investigate the agency’s process of granting and rejecting exemptions to the steep tariffs Trump placed on imported steel and aluminum products in March. She said the agency has made “troubling” decisions, such as granting relief to the US subsidiary of a sanctioned Russian company.Thousands of US-based companies … Continue Reading

August 28, 2018

Center for Financial Stability: Senator Warren Introduces Anti-Corruption Legislation

by Steven Lofchie

Senator Elizabeth A. Warren unveiled a wide-ranging bill that seeks to “eliminate the influence of money in our federal government.”The Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act would, among other things:ban “Members of Congress, cabinet secretaries, federal judges, and other senior government officials from owning and trading individual stocks”;institute a lifetime ban on former Member of Congress, Presidents and agency heads from lobbying;require conflicts of interest disclosures in … Continue Reading

August 28, 2018

Yahoo: New Study Says Hurricane Maria Killed 2,975 Puerto Ricans. Congress Must Take Action.

by Andrea Gonzalez-Ramirez

A new study released Tuesday found that Hurricane Maria killed nearly 3,000 people in Puerto Rico. Most of those who died after the storm were poor Puerto Ricans living in hard-hit municipalities. And I ask: How many more studies and cries for help does Congress need to do something?For nearly a year now, boricuas like me have emphasized that more people than officially reported have died as a consequence of the Category 4 storm that ravaged the island on September 20, 2017. This was based on … Continue Reading

August 28, 2018

The Atlantic: Elizabeth Warren’s Theory of Capitalism

by Franklin Foer

While so much of the action on the American left in recent months has come in the form of revived enthusiasm for socialism, Senator Elizabeth Warren has positioned herself quite differently. During the past two weeks, she has expounded about the prospects for capitalism in a much-covered speech and in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. Instead of championing the system’s demise, she presents herself as its savior. Embedded in her musings were two aggressive proposals for overhauling American … Continue Reading

August 27, 2018

Wicked Local: Hintermeister: An all-around antibiotics bill from Sen. Warren

by Henry Hintermeister

Rising strands of super-resistant bacteria ? that is, bacteria capable of resisting even hardcore antibiotics ? do not discriminate between Democrats and Republicans. Our immune systems, it turns out, are pretty much the same. Given this fact of human biology, Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Bill to Strengthen Oversight of Antibiotic Use in Animals should earn your support, no matter what of the aisle you stand on. The bill, introduced in late June, would restrict the reckless overuse of antibiotics … Continue Reading

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