Press Releases
Sens. Warren, Markey Announce Nearly $12 Million Federal Grant to Reduce Juvenile Recidivism in Massachusetts
WASHINGTON, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Edward J. Markey today announced that the United States Department of Labor (DOL) has awarded the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (LWD) a major $11.67 million from its Workforce Innovation Fund. The grant is part of the Pay for Success program, which provides funding for programs that achieve measurable outcomes of success. It will support a project aimed at increasing employment and reducing … Continue Reading
September 24, 2013
Sen. Warren, Holly Petraeus, and Rep. Tsongas Hold Roundtable Discussions on Financial Issues Facing Veterans & Military Families
BOSTON, MA -- United States Senator Elizabeth Warren, Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) Office of Servicemember Affairs Holly Petraeus, and U.S. Representative and House Armed Services Committee member Niki Tsongas today held roundtable discussions with servicemembers, veterans, and their families at Bunker Hill Community College in Charlestown, and at UMass Lowell. At the events, they discussed financial issues facing military families, and the CFPB's efforts to … Continue Reading
September 19, 2013
Senator Warren Raises Concerns About Implementation of New FEMA Flood Insurance Rules at Senate Hearing
WASHINGTON, DC - At a Senate Banking subcommittee hearing Wednesday, United States Senator Elizabeth Warren raised concerns with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate about the implementation of new flood insurance rules. Senator Warren asked Administrator Fugate about the impact of the new rules on many families in Massachusetts and across the country who have been placed into a flood zone for the first time, and are now being asked to pay thousands of dollars … Continue Reading
September 18, 2013
Senators Warren, Crapo Call for Energy Efficiency Study
New England Clean Energy Council, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Alliance to Save Energy, and Numerous Energy Efficiency Companies Urge Senate to Pass Amendment Washington, DC - Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Mike Crapo (R-ID) have introduced a bipartisan amendment directing the U.S. Department of Energy to quantify the cost savings from operational energy efficiency technologies in an effort to increase public and private use ofthese technologies, without creating … Continue Reading
September 17, 2013
Sens. Warren and Markey, Rep. Neal Help Secure $1 Million Criminal Justice Grant for Springfield
WASHINGTON, DC - The Department of Justice (DOJ) has awarded the City of Springfield a $1,000,000 grant under the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) Program to improve public safety through community-based partnerships. Members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation praised the award and the city's efforts to reduce crime. "This criminal justice grant is great news for Springfield," said Senator Elizabeth Warren. "I applaud Mayor Sarno, Police Commissioner William J. Fitchet and … Continue Reading
September 12, 2013
Senator Warren Questions Progress Ending Too Big to Fail
Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren today addressed Better Markets and George Washington Law School's Center for Law, Economics, and Finance in a speech on the five year anniversary of the financial crisis. In her remarks, the senator questioned the adequacy of steps taken to end 'Too Big to Fail' and the effectiveness of regulatory agencies' oversight to deter future crises, noting that the four biggest banks are thirty percent larger than they were five years ago and the … Continue Reading
September 08, 2013
Sen. Warren's Remarks to the AFL-CIO Convention
Los Angeles Convention Center As Prepared for Delivery It's great to be able to be here with you - even if just for short time. I was just in Washington for a classified briefing on Syria, and I'm headed right back to participate in the Senate debate and the vote on military intervention. But it was very important to me to be here with you today, so thank you all for inviting me. To Rich Trumka and my old friend Damon Silvers, to Steve Tolman, Lou Mandarini, and all my friends from … Continue Reading
August 27, 2013
Sen. Warren Urges FDA to Finalize GMO Labeling Guidelines
WASHINGTON, DC -United States Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) have sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) urging the agency to finalize its policies on the labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) marketed as food products or additives. "We encourage the FDA to implement a regulatory framework that will promote transparency for consumers while providing producers with the certainty they need to label their products appropriately," … Continue Reading
August 21, 2013
Senator Warren Presses DOJ for Information Relating to Settlement of False Claims Submitted to FHA
Full Text of the Letter Available Here WASHINGTON, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren today sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder requesting additional information about the federal government's decision to settle false claims submitted to the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) by the nation's largest mortgage servicers. Senator Warren expressed concerns about the adequacy of the settlement, especially given FHA's currently troubled fiscal condition. The Senate Banking … Continue Reading
August 02, 2013
Senator Warren Takes Action in Response to Constituent Letter, Calls on HHS to Expedite Changes to Discriminatory Lifetime Ban on MSM Blood Donation
Washington, DC - After receiving a letter from a Roslindale resident who was not allowed to give blood after the Boston Marathon bombings because of his sexual orientation, United States Senator Elizabeth Warren yesterday sent a bipartisan, bicameral letter to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius expressing concern over the agency's sluggish pace at reevaluating blood donation policies for men who have sex with men (MSM) and requesting information about HHS's ongoing … Continue Reading
July 31, 2013
Warren, Markey Question FERC on JPMorgan Chase Punishment
WASHINGTON - Massachusetts Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey today asked the head of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission how his agency was protecting consumers and prosecuting JPMorgan Chase following the agreement by the company to pay $410 million in penalties and surrendered profits to settle allegations of market manipulation in electricity markets. In a letter sent to FERC Chairman Jon Wellinghoff, the two Massachusetts Democrats ask how FERC determined the financial … Continue Reading
July 24, 2013
Sen. Warren's Statement on Today's Student Loan Vote
WASHINGTON, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren released the following statement after today's student loan vote: "Today's vote is over, but our fight to make college more affordable and a better deal for our students continues. I'm in this fight for the long haul - we must invest in our kids, bring down the skyrocketing costs of college and tackle the more than trillion dollars in student loan debt that is crushing middle class families and threatening our economy. I am eager to work … Continue Reading
July 24, 2013
Sen. Warren's Floor Speech on Reed-Warren Student Loan Amendment
Senator Elizabeth Warren delivered the following speech on the floor of the Senate on July 24, 2013, on the Reed-Warren student loan amendment. The video of her remarks is available here. Full text of Senator Warren's remarks: I want to start by saying to Senator Reed by saying to Senator Reed how much I appreciate his leadership in putting forth this amendment that takes a bad bill and turns it into something that would be helpful for our students, our families struggling with student loan … Continue Reading
July 24, 2013
Reed-Warren Amendment Offers Greater Certainty and Lower Rates for Students
WASHINGTON, DC - In an effort to keep student loans affordable for working families, the U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote later today on a key amendment by U.S. Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and 17 of their Senate colleagues that would lock in reasonable caps of 6.8 percent for undergraduate and graduate loans, and 7.9 percent for PLUS loans, meaning they wouldn't go any higher than they are set at right now. The Reed-Warren amendment would provide greater certainty … Continue Reading
July 19, 2013
Floor Speech on Student Loans
Senator Warren delivered a floor speech on student loans on July 18, 2013. The video of her remarks is here. Full text of the remarks is below. Madam President, it has been eighteen days since the interest rate on new direct student loans doubled from 3.4 percent to nearly seven percent. Students will head off to college in just a few weeks, and Congress still has not found a way to keep their interest rates low. In Massachusetts, our kids, our parents, our and schools are worried. I just want … Continue Reading
July 18, 2013
Sen. Warren's Statement on the Confirmation of Gina McCarthy as EPA Administrator
WASHINGTON, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren released the following statement on Gina McCarthy's confirmation as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency: "I am very pleased the Senate has confirmed Gina McCarthy as the next Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Gina is a proud Massachusetts native with an outstanding record of public service. She has dedicated her professional life to the protection of our public health and to the stewardship of our … Continue Reading
July 18, 2013
Warren Helps Secure $150 Million for National Fisheries Disasters in FY14 Subcommittee Bill
WASHINGTON, DC - The Senate Appropriations Committee today announced it has included $150 million for fisheries disasters in its FY14 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) markup. Senator Elizabeth Warren applauded Appropriations Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski's (D-MD) and the CJS Subcommittee's efforts to provide aid to fishermen in Massachusetts and across the country. "I'm deeply grateful to Chairwoman Mikulski and the Appropriations Committee for approving critical disaster … Continue Reading
July 18, 2013
Sen. Warren Presses Fed Chairman Bernanke on Too Big to Fail, Transparency at Banking Hearing
Video of Senator Warren's Q&A with Chairman Bernanke WASHINGTON, DC - At a Senate Banking Committee Hearing today, United States Senator Elizabeth Warren asked Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke about rising profits on Wall Street and concerns that banks are loading up on risk. She also pressed Chairman Bernanke whether he agrees with Secretary Lew's recent comments that if we have not ended Too Big to Fail by the end of the year, other options to address the issue should be … Continue Reading
July 16, 2013
Sen. Warren's Statement on Cloture Vote for Rich Cordray's Nomination
WASHINGTON, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren today released the following statement on the Senate's vote to invoke cloture on Richard Cordray's nomination as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: "After more than 700 days of waiting, Rich Cordray will finally get the confirmation vote he deserves from the U.S. Senate. Director Cordray has won praise from consumer and industry groups, and from Republicans and Democrats, for his fair and effective approach. With … Continue Reading
July 15, 2013
Sen. Warren Calls on Senate to Vote on Cordray Re-nomination as CFPB Director
Washington, DC - United States Senator Elizabeth Warren today called on the Senate to vote on the re-nomination of Rich Cordray to be Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). "I know that some Republicans and lobbyists think that this filibuster on Rich's appointment can shut down the work of the agency. They think it can shut down the agency and protect the big banks from any meaningful consumer protection rules," said Senator Warren, in her remarks on the floor of the … Continue Reading